Sixteen: "Max get in the car."

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"Niall, why is Max sleeping on your couch?", Missy says.

"Well, we were at the concert and I thought it would be nice, if we watch some movies and she could sleep here. The power went off, so we got all these candles", Niall tells her.

I sit up and look at her, rubbing my left eye.

"Good morning, Max", she grins.

"Morning", I smile.

"I'm making breakfast", Niall announces.

He leaves the room, so me and Missy are alone. She sits down next to me, as I glare at her. She wears a smirk across her face.

"I bet Niall likes you", she grins.

"He doesn't and by the way, I'm only here because he was too lazy driving me home", I explain.

"You like Niall, I know it."

"Yeah and? Is it anything bad? He's really nice and funny", I say.

"Oh my god, what happened yesterday?", she asks.

I explain everything that happened but leave out, that he kissed me on the cheek. She smirks at me.

"Missy, please don't pull that face on me, I really like him but I doubt that he likes me", I mumble.

"You're so blind, Max, he likes you more than anyone else. He got you fucking 150$ tickets to your favorite bands concert. He never even went to a concert with anyone except his male friends. You need to trust me, he likes you."

"Yeah", I say and tell myself not to believe her.

As soon as I'm changed into the clothes from yesterday, Missy and I both go downstairs. It's pretty funny to see Niall standing in front of the stove. He already has the table packed with plates and some fruits.

"Sit down girls, I'm your cook today", Niall smiles.

I sit down in front of Missy. She already takes some grapes and pineapple pieces but I wait for Niall to finish his cooking, so we can eat together. Soon the kitchen smells like pancakes. I love pancakes. They're so great. Niall places some on each plate, as he finishes them. He sits down next to me.

"Do you pray before you eat?", Niall asks.

"No, I'm not that Christian", I say.

"Good, we too", Missy speaks.

We all begin to eat. After a couple of minutes, Missy just leaves the table. She brings her dirty plate to the sink.

"I'm meeting Daniel, see you, Max", she smiles.

"Have fun", I smirk.

She sticks her tongue out at me. As soon as she leaves, everything gets quiet. All you can hear is our chewing and sometimes the fork scratching the plate. Niall finishes before me but waits until I'm done.

"That was amazing, Niall", I say.

"Thanks, my mom taught me how to cook."

"I bet she's a nice lady. Missy never tells me about her."

"She's the greatest mom in the world", he smiles.

I just nod with a smile across my face. Niall puts our dishes in the dishwasher.

"What did you and my sister talk about? She seemed pretty happy, as you guys came out", Niall smiles.

"We talked about Christmas", I lie.

"And what about it?"

"She asked me what she could buy Bella and Nia", I lie again.

"You sure?", Niall smirks.

"Yes, pretty sure", I tell him.

Niall just nods. He puts away the rest of the dishes. I help him clean up the table a little bit, so he doesn't have to do everything alone. After we clean up, we go back to his room and sit on his bed, talking about random stuff.


"Hey, Max, can you give me the ball?", Harry asks.

I pick it up and throw it at him. Coach Patrick sits on the bleachers in the gym. He takes notes. We start a small game of 30 minutes. Niall's in the other team, not as a Quarterback but as a defensive player. When I get the ball, Niall runs me over and lays on me.

"Niall, get off of me, you fat sack", I laugh.

He laughs, too, and gets off of me. He helps me up. We get back in line. After the game, Coach Patrick lets us go home. The boys are all cheery, as they come out of the showers. I just sit on the bench in the middle of the room and wait for Niall to get finished. The boys laugh and gossip about things I didn't even know.

"Did you hear? Elena is dating Brad", Louis laughs.

"Really? I thought she was with Marvin", Harry says.

"No, they've been apart for a long time, Harry. But I heard she has something with Zack, too", Roy throws in.

"Who's Elena?", I ask quietly.

"She's the schools sluttiest girl after Amanda", Niall explains.

I nod. Maybe Nia, Bella and Missy know more about her. I should ask them sometime.

"So we also heard that our Runningback and the Quarterback were at a concert. Alone. Just them two", Troy smirks at Niall.

"Missy told me our Runningback also slept at his house", George says.

"Guys, shut the fuck up! I'm tired of all your bullshit. Max and I are not a couple and we never will be", Niall shouts at them, as my heart shatters into pieces every word.

I try to hold back my tears. I need to be strong in front of them now. Yes, I have a crush on Niall but now I think it's just dissapearing slowly into the darkness of the friendzone.

"Niall, she's in the room", Harry suddenly speaks.

I look at Niall. He pulls his t-shirt and jacket on but forgets to take his hoodie, so he leaves the locker room. I take his hoodie and leave to go outside, so I can walk home, like always when Niall's in a bad mood or we argued again but this time, he sits on the hood of his BMW. He blows out smoke, as our eyes meet. I walk over to him, holding his hoodie, so that he can reach it at any time.

"You forgot this, Quarterback", I say and give it to him.

I start walking away from the school, Niall's car and people with stupid comments. Suddenly Niall's car parks next to me. I just continue walking, so he has to drive next to me really slow. Niall let's the window down.

"Max, get in the car", Niall says.

I just continue walking down the sidewalk.

"Maxine Manning, I'm not joking, get into the car", Niall demands.

And still I just continue walking. His car stopps and he gets out. I feel his hand on my shoulder. He pulls me back towards him. I turn around and look at him with an annoyed expression.

"I'm sorry, Max", he speaks.

I turn around and try to walk away again. Niall walks next to me and stops me by taking my hand. He stands in front of me and pulls me towards him by my jacket. My hands lay on his chest, as he tries to pull me into his body, so I get soft again.

"Max, please get in the car. I need to talk to you. It's important, please just let me drive you home", Niall beggs.

"We can talk here", I say.

Niall shakes his head and pushes me backwards. I stand against him.

"Max, please get in the car. We need to talk."

"No, you can talk to me here", I spit out.

Suddenly he takes my face in his hands. His soft lips lay on mine for a few seconds before he takes them away. He just kissed me.

"What was that for?", I shout.

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