Twenty-one: "More like All American Gozilla."

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"It's only 10 minutes left. Who's your New Years kiss going to be?", Missy asks me.

"No one, I'll just stand in the room, watching you all kiss and stuff like a pychopath", I laugh slightly.

"Fuck, we're 9 people and everyone has someone except you. You know you kinda look like a loser now", Missy laughs.

"I really don't care."


"Sure you don't", Missy smirks.

"Okay, I do care but who should I kiss? Niall has a girlfriend like all the other boys in this room", I whisper to her because the living room starts to fill up with people.

"I don't know, take Niall. Amanda doesn't care about Niall. She's just using him! He bought her a Rolex! Niall is such an idiot."

I nod. She goes off to Daniel, so I'm alone again. It's shitty when you're the only person in the room, who hasn't got a boyfriend to kiss on new years eve or at all. Harry gives us all a glass of champagne but I only take a glass with not that much in it. Some people already light some fireworks. It's 5 minutes until midnight and everyone is hooked up in chatter with their new years eve kiss partners or boyfriends or girlfriends. I look at my champagne. The yellowish liquid sparkles with bubbles. I don't really like champagne but I'll drink it because it looks friendly towards Harry.

"Guys, come together so we can count down", Harry says.

We stand in a circle. The TV shows us the countdown.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Happy New Year!", we all shout.

The others all kiss their partners, while I stand in an awkward position, drinking my champagne. It tickles my tounge, as I swallow it. The gross taste of champagne flows down my throat. When all of them finish kissing, we all wish each other a happy New Year and begin chatting and watching TV again. It's funny to be thirdwheeling at everything I'm doing. Even when I just sit on the couch, I'm the third wheel to everyone.

"Did you have a New Years kiss?", Niall asks me.

"No", I mumble, looking at my feet.

"Amanda?", Niall asks her.

Maybe he's making fun of me with her. As I'm about to go away from him, he takes my face in his hands and presses a kiss to my lips. It's quick but still it's a kiss. Amanda smiles at us, as I look over. Maybe he just asked for her permisson to kiss me.

"Thanks for being my New Years kiss, even though it's a little later than usual", I blush.

Niall smiles and goes back to Amanda. Amanda may not be that bad afterall.


Amanda is such a skunk ass bitch. She slept with several other guys, even though she was together with Niall! Her parents forced her to go to Italy with them and there she slept with some Italian guys. Niall came to my house, crying and sobbing. I was out with Bella the time he arrived at my house, so mom had to open the door. She called me immediately, as he arrived. Bella could understand the situation and let me go home. She went to Harry's place.

"She is such a whore", I whisper.

"You can say that out loud", Niall sobs.

I pat his back and hug him closer to me. He's been here for one hour and didn't stop crying once. It's January 3rd, so school starts tomorrow again. Niall's such a mess right now. I don't even think he'll go to school tomorrow.

"You know, don't cry about the bad things, smile about the beautiful things", I smile.

Niall sniffles, as I let him go. I sit down on my bed with my legs crossed. Niall still has his feet on the floor. He sniffles a little bit time by time but stops to cry. I lean against the head board.

"You're right, Max, thanks", Niall smiles slightly.

"I just hope you'll find the girl one day. She should love you like you love her", I tell him.

"I hope the same for you, Max. You're a great friend to me", he smiles, as he sits down with his legs crossed like mine.

"Have you thought about going to college?", I ask.

"Yeah, I'd like to go. Coach Patrick said I should send my application to Baltimore", he answers.

"That's nice. Baltimore is pretty close, too."

"Yeah and you?"

"I actually thought about going to Baltimore, too", I smile.



"That's so cool. We could be on the football team together", he smiles.

"Yeah, that would be nice. I even thought about getting my own apartment because I don't like dorms. the only thing I could live with is another person in my flat, so I'm not alone but still have my privacy", I explain.

He nods and I play with my sleeves again. This habbit sometimes is pretty annoying to myself.

"Should I drive to school tomorrow?", I ask.

"I don't think I'll come to school tomorrow. The thing with Amanda hit me pretty hard", he frowns.

"Okay, I understand."

"But I'll be back on Tuesday", he grins.

"Only because there will be practise", I laugh.

"No because I have to move on and there are so many beautiful girls out there. Not only Amanda but you and that one girl from my French class", he smirks, wiggeling his eyebrows.

I smack his arm and laugh slightly at his words. He's so stupid sometimes.

"What?", he laughs.

"You're an idiot", I smile.

"No, I'm a handsome Irish idiot", he grins.

We both laugh at his words. My eyes search for happiness in Niall's eyes and I find the happiness I wanted. His eyes have a bright blue color.

"And you're the All American Beauty", he smiles.

"More  like All American Gozilla", I laugh.

"True though. I still think you're a really pretty girl."

"Thanks, Niall, but really don't think like your Irish charm", I say.

"Too bad because you really are a great friend to me."

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