Fourty-one: "She may be a better coach than you."

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"Congratulations, Max, your finally able to walk without crutches but you still have to wear your corsage and a leg brace which I will give you. Your leg will be completely healed by one more month and your ribbs will take about two more weeks. You won't have to wear the corsage in one week. I hope you're happy. You can play football in one month", my doctor tells me.

Niall starts grinning at me from the chair set across the bed I lay on. I'm so happy. I will be able to play the last few games with the boys. The doctor gives me some more pain relievers and puts the leg brace around my foot and leg. I thank him and leave with Niall, so I can get a new appointment. After we did that, we walk over to his car. Before we get in, Niall takes me into a bear hug. I feel so happy. My life will finally be normal again.

"So, since you're going to be healed again in one month, the boys I have a little surprise for you tonight after the game", Niall says, driving from the parking lot.

"Where are we going now?", I ask.

"Not telling you", he says.

I sink back into the seat. Niall turns on some Deathmetal while we drive to an unknown designation. It looks like we're driving to his place. Just like I thought, we're at his place.

"Niall, could you drive me home before the game?", I ask him, as soon as we're in his room.


I sit down on the floor, patting the place next to me.


I get change into my jersey and a pair of normal black jeans, finally I can wear normal things again. Of course I have to wear the leg brace over my jeans but that's better than walking around with sweatpants the whole time. I put my nacklace on Niall gave me for Christmas. I haven't worn it since we broke up three weeks ago. Time flies fast when you're hurt.

"Max, are you finally done?", my Mom asks.

"Just one more second."

I take one more look in the mirror and leave the bathroom. My Mom stands there all ready to drive me to the field. I slip into my single shoe and a cardigan and we're out of the house. My phone, house keys and some money are in my pocket. We arrive at the field in no time. My Mom wishes me luck and fun and leaves. I limb over to the boys locker room. Everyone is there. They're all getting changed while Coach Patrick talks to them. He greets me with a nod. We're playing the Baltimore Groundhogs. They have a bad defense but a really great offence, so we have to be carefull with them. Since Coach Patrick is in here, Niall just gives me a smile.

"So Lady's, I want you to show them how strong you are as a team", Coach says, walking out of the locker room.

Niall takes me into his half-naked body, as soon as Coach Patrick is gone. He kisses my lips carefully. Troy and Harry both give me a hug. I'm going to tell them the great news. Harry helps me get up on a bench, so I hover over the boys.

"Guys", I shout a little.

They all stop getting dressed and turn towards me. I carry a slight smile on my face.

"I was at the doctors today and he told me that I'd be able to play football in one month again."

The boys start to cheer and they all congragulate me. I get back down from the bench and recieve a hug from every boy. When they're all done, we walk out together. I sit down next to Coach Patrick on his bench. He has a small board in his hand with a field and some arrows drawn on it.

"Max, I'll need you to watch the offence of the Groundhogs. They're pretty good. You need to get our defense to catch their offense quickly, so they don't get too close to the touchdown zone", Coach Patrick tells me, giving me some boards.

I take them and wipe them clean, taking the sharpie in my hand.

"I want you to draw down some of their offense routes because I know that they will try to use the same one over and over like last year."

"Okay", I say.

I look down at the board and draw down the two teams as circles in the first position. The other team has only boys and their coaches look really mean. Coach Patrick tenses up, as the two coaches come towards us. One looks really old, maybe in his late 60. The other one looks like he's barely 20.

"So, Lionel. I see you have your little water girl here. She may be a better coach than you", the older man laughs.

I give him a glare. The younger guy and him laugh loudly.

"Stop messing around with my second coach, Damian. She's a hurt player", Coach Patrick huffs.

"Wait, aren't you Maxine Manning? You got crushed so bad from Tyler Odary. I heard you broke four ribbs and your leg", the younger one tells me.

"Yes, that's me. Now scam or I'll break your bones", I spit at him.

"Feisty, aye? Good luck, you'll need it", Damian laughs.

He leaves with his younger coach. Coach Patrick rolls his eyes, as Niall walks over to us. He gives me a slight smile.

"Coach? Do you have a flag for me?", he asks.

Coach Patrick practically throws it at him. He's pissed by this Damian guy. Maybe they know each other from earlier experiances in school. After we sing the national anthem, Niall gives the other team captain his flag and the other way round, too. The other captain says something to Niall, so Niall looks back at me, nodding at the guys words. The captain of the other team gives me a smirk before getting his helmet on and getting in his position as a tail-back. I get my board in one hand and the sharpie in my other. Let the game begin.

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