Eleven: "Shotgun!"

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Niall opens the door. His mouth pulls into a smile.

"Hey, Max", he says.


Niall hugs me for a little moment and then lets me come inside. I stand awkwardly at his door, as he walks off. He turns around from the stairs, when he realizes I'm not following him.

"Just take your shoes off and take your bag upstairs. Missy is out with Bella", he laughs.

I do as I am told and follow him upstairs. He leads me to his bedroom which is pretty clean, I mean there are a few items of clothing laying on the floor but nothing else. His TV is turned on along with his XBox and some games flying around.

"Do you know how to play Fifa?", he asks, as I sit down.

"Love it", I say.

He smiles and sits down on the floor in front of the TV. I sit next to him, while he holds my controller. He gives it to me, as soon as I'm ready.

"You really know how to play?", Niall asks again.

"Of course", I answer.


"How did you do that? No one ever won against me", Niall laughs.

"I don't know", I say.

Niall turns the XBox off. He sits back down next to me. His eyes lay on my shirt.

"My Chemical Romance, huh?", he smiles.

"Yeah, really great band."

He nods.

"Why did you actually cry yesterday?", Niall asks worried.

"I really don't know why. It just had to come out and then it just came."

Niall nods and just stares at me. I look at my hands, as Niall stands up. He leaves the room, so I sit on the floor alone, staring at my hands. Niall is a pretty cool guy. He's funny, nice and caring. I like him. He soon comes back with two glasses of water.

"Here", he smiles and gives me a glass.

"Thanks, when do the boys come over?"

"About half an hour."


"So a little bird called Twitter told me it's your birthday today", Niall smiles.

"Yeah but I don't make anything special about it. It's just another day of the year", I explain.

"But I got you a little something because I'm a good friend and team mate. Me and the boys actually only have this party for you", Niall says, as he searches his wardrobe for something.

"You didn't have to get me any presents", I say.

Niall soon gets out a present. I get up from the floor and Niall gives it to me. He smiles, as I just stare at it. I don't know if I should open it.

"Come on, you're gonna love it", he smirks.

I open the box, only to find two concert tickets and two sweaters from Bring Me The Horizon.

"Oh my god, Niall! That's so amazing! I love them", I squeal.

These are so fucking expensive.

"Calm down, so I invite you to this concert next Friday. You and me have tickets for the first row. Also I got us two sweaters from the album Count Your Blessings. I ordered yours in my size because I didn't know how big you needed it", Niall laughs slightly.

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