Thirty-six: "It's getting pretty rediculous."

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Max's P.O.V

Luke and Bella leave the house, so it's just Niall and me all alone in my room with our done project, nothing to talk about and some snacks. Why are we alone? Bella couldn't get picked up by Harry, so Luke decided to drive her home, not thinking about me and Niall being alone. He's just too stupid to read face expressions and emotions but I love him anyway because he's like my brother. Niall sits on the chair next to my desk while I sit on my bed, playing with my corsage a little under my shirt. It really hurts wearing it all the time but the doctors told me I could take it off once in a while but to get it on and off I need an extra hand. Niall clears his throat, so I look up at him. His eyes are full of hurt and regret. Yeah right, he regrets every single thing he did. He pry had fun banging her against the bathroom stall in the girls bathroom before class. Nia told me she saw them walk into the bathroom but didn't want me to be sad and hurt before I even saw him.

"So, um, how's your leg doing?", Niall asks.

"It's okay", I answer.

He nods, sitting straight on the chair. My head floods with questions. Why did he do that to me? Did he have fun? Does he regret it? Can he tell me what he was thinking?

"Niall", I say.

I get his attention instantly. He looks pretty interessted in what I am about to ask him.


He just looks at me with a confused expression. The blue in his eyes pops out with the blue of his bruise around his left eye. The cut on his lip is still pretty prominent. I feel the urge to kiss his pain away but I just can't do that at the moment because my pain is way much worse than his.

"Why what?", he asks.

He shouldn't be pretending to not know what I asked him about.

"Why did you do this to me?"

Niall looks at me with shock and confusion at the same time, while I slide up my bed, leaning my back against the headboard, trying not to bend my leg or hurt my ribbs again. Niall stays silent for a minute, thinking about what to say.

"You did it. It's your own fault", he speaks up.

What the actual fuck is going on here? How could him sleeping with another girl be my fault? He's the one who did it and didn't reject her.

"Why is it my fault? I didn't do anything to you."

Niall shakes his head, staring straight to my bruise under my left ear. I tied my hair up, so it wouldn't be in the way.

"She said and had a hickey on her neck", Niall rolls his eyes.

"It's a bruise because I hit my neck on the rim of my helmet while I fell", I explain.

"Yeah, right", he groans.

"I'm telling you the truth, Niall. I am dead serious."

He just shakes his head, staring at me. His eyes look up and down my body.

"A hickey is more of a purple color. You should know. You're the one who fucked so many girls and marked them as yours", I finally spit.

"Shut up, Max. Stop defending yourself. It's getting pretty rediculous. Just tell me the truth about you and that guy from the Bulldogs! Did it feel good? How was it, being fucked against the bathroom walls?", Niall shouts at me, standing up and pacing around my room.

Which boy? Is he kidding me? He believes that guy but not me? I was his girlfriend! Never would I cheat on my boyfriend, ever. How could his trust in me be so little? He's the one in our relationship not to be trusted. He's the one who fucked himself up and down the schools girls.

"How could you believe that?", I feel tears fill up my eyes but I try to keep them in.

My head screams for me to hold in my tears. I feel how the tension in the air builts up. Hopefully Luke will come back soon. Bella's place is on the other side of town but I don't think it'll take too long for him to drive her there.

"Because I know that you were gone for at least 15 minutes before the game and you told us you needed to "cool off". I can't believe you", he tells me, standing in front of me on the end of my bed.

His eyes bore themselves into mine. I feel the tears leaking down my face by now. I'm so pathetic thinking he loved me.

"I did not do that! I swear to god, Niall, you're the only guy I like! Please just believe me", I sob.

Why am I even trying? His face is stearn. He really doesn't believe me. I really just cooled off and texted with Luke before the game. Wait, I texted with Luke and I still have the texts with the times! I get my phone from my nightstand, trying not to do it too fast, so I don't hurt myself. When I finally have it, I unlock it and open WhatsApp as fast as I can. Niall's already looking super pissed.

"Texting that guy, huh?", he spits, running over to my side, ripping my phone from my hands.

I was able to open Luke's messages, so Niall can see them now. He stares at me while the phone in his hands lights up his palm.

"Read that conversation", I demand, tears still leaking down my face.

He just throws my phone into my lap. I hold it out to him. His eyes lock with mine.

"Look at those messages and please look at the times", I beg.

Niall just huffs, taking my phone from my hand. He reads the messages slowly, taking in everything. I can tell that he relaxes a little.

"You texted with Luke. And? The times are when you were away. And? Does that prove that you didn't have something with that guy? No", Niall says.

He throws my phone back onto my bed. I see him staring at my lips. I know how it is to miss someones lips like that. My eyes wander down to his lips. He has his bottom lip between his teeth.

"You know that I didn't do anything and you're just trying to make it look like it's all my fault that you fucked that girl", I tell him.

"That's not true. I don't believe you because I can see regret in your eyes. What do you regret?"

"Nothing because nothing happened. I regret breaking up with you because I still like you, Niall. I like you a lot more than I should."

He stays silent, standing at my bed with his hands in his pockets. His eyes lay on my leg. The cast is colored with rainbows, signatures and little doodelings by Missy, Bella, Nia, Harry, Troy and Luke but there's still a huge white spot because they didn't yet get to my ankle. The cast goes from my toes up to my knee. They think it's funny to draw stuff on it. I like it thow. A small smile creeps on my face, as I think about my friends. Niall walks away, back to my desk. He takes a red sharpie and opens the lid. I watch him sit next to my leg and draw something on my cast with the sharpie. I don't care what he's thinking or what he's drawing on my leg. He draws around a while, so I just stare at his back. His shirt is tight against his back. My eyes wander to his arms. His muscles tense once in a while. He soon finishes and lays the sharpie back on my desk.

"Look at it", Niall says.

I sit up and try to read what he wrote. It's hard to make out but I can see it.

I like you a lot. - Niall

I just smile, looking at him.

"Turn your leg a little to the left", he says, sitting down on the chair next to my desk.

I turn my leg with my arms a little and see he drew a football. He also put a quote on it.

Sometimes happiness is just a person and a ball.

"Niall, what are you trying to tell me?", I ask, almost sure what he wants to tell me with that.

"I don't think you slept with that guy. If you forgive what I did with that girl, we could just give it another try."

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