Two: "I'm not even sure if you have a penis."

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I start running for a touchdown. Niall has the ball and no one tries to tackle me.

"Niall!", I shout.

He looks at me but throws the ball to Troy, who is completely surrounded by defensive players. I want to smack him so bad now. Troy gets tackled by some guy and the ball falls onto the field.

"Niall, you're an idiot! I was completely free!", I shout at him, as we walk towards each other.

"Sorry, didn't see you there", he lies.

I look at him quite mad, as he takes of his helmet.

"You're such a sexist", I say.

"Well, I can't help it", he smirks.

I slap him really hard. His head jerks to the side. He lets out a groan. The boys start to laugh and Coach Patrick does too. He holds his cheek, as he speaks.

"You'll regret that, Manning", he hisses.

"Uhhhh, I'm so scared", I fake being scared.

I turn on my heels and get into the line of my team. Niall soon gets his helmet on and gets in line, too. The next few tries of our team to get a touchdown are really bad because Niall won't give me the fucking ball.

"Niall, I swear, if you don't throw that ball to me, I will fucking slap you again and a lot harder", I say madder than before.

"Uhhhh, I'm so scared", he mimics me.

"Fuck you, Horan", I cuss.

"You fuck me", he says.

"I'm not even sure if you have a penis", I smirk.

Everyone on the field starts to laugh except Niall. His face gets redder by the second.

"Okay, enough. Practice is over", Coach Patrick laughs.

I take my helmet off and change into my normal outfit in the girls locker room. On my way out, I call michael but he doesn't pick up. I get on my bike and watch as the boys of the football team come out of the school. Niall is at the front with Troy and Harry. As fast as I can, I begin to move and get home in 30 minutes. My mother isn't at home, like most of the time. She's taking care of me alone because my father died, so she pays for me alone.


By the time my mother is home, I called Mikey another 4 times and he didn't pick up, what's not usual for him. Usually he calls me right back or he picks up. I miss him and it's only been 4 days. Mikey is the one and only boy I've ever really loved. Of course I had some 6th grade relationship with a boy I didn't like that much but love in 11th grade is something completely else. I'm no virgin anymore and I've had a few sexual actions with mikey but no real intense stuff like different positions and dressing up and shit. We've had sex a few times but I don't care about sex that much. It's just natural and nothing special to me. I'd rather lay under a big warm blanket with Mikey and watch a movie than have sex with him.

I take my football from the shelve and throw it against my door. My mother doesn't like when I do that but it relieves me from stress and thinking too much. The ball flies back to me in a funny angle, so I actually have to move from my bed to catch it. I pick it up and throw again but don't realize that my mother's in the door, so I throw the ball at her.

"Maxine-Felicia Maria Janice Manning, what did I tell you about throwing that ball against the door?", she asks annoyed.

"I'm not supposed to do it", I say bored.

"Why did you do it?"

"Mikey doesn't call me back. I called him 5 times but he didn't answer", I sight and lay down on my bed.

"Max, he may have some things to do today. Maybe he's got a gig or something."

"How do you know about the band?", I ask shocked.

"He told me, as we were about to leave. I didn't know he was so talented. He send me a video of his bands youtube channel. They're pretty good. I know that he wants to become famous with his band but I really respect that decision."

"Thanks mom."

"No problem, so now you better call him again and see if he's still busy", she smiles and leaves, closing the door behind her.

I take my phone again for the 6th time to call Michael. It goes straight to voice mail. What the fuck is wrong with him? He denied my call! Michael will regret that when I get him on my phone. I lay on my bed and look through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Nothing is new. I look if Mikey's on Skype. He's not online, so I lock my phone and lay it on my nightstand. Maybe I could call Luke, Calum or Ashton. I take my phone again and call Luke. He picks up.

"Hey Max", he says.

"Hi Luke, uhm... I just wanted to ask you something. It that okay?", I ask nervously.

"Sure thing."

"Do you know what's wrong with Mikey? He won't pick up my calls or anything. I would like to talk with him."

"Oh... he's kinda in a... a bad situation now. We've just got some great news and he has to talk to our manager", Luke explains.

"Great news? What's the great news?"

"We're going to tour with Paramore."

"That's amazing, Luke!", I exclaim.

"Yeah, it is", he says with a tone of sadness in his voice.

"So, can you tell Mikey he should call me when he's done?"

"Sure, bye."

"Bye", I say, hanging up right after and laying my phone on the nightstand again.

Paramore is just amazing. I can't believe my boyfriend and his band will tour with Paramore.


My phone buzzes next to me. I take the call as I see Mikey's name on the display.

"Hey Michael, what's up?", I smile happily.

"Hi Max, I've got to talk to you. Could you come on Skype with your laptop? We need to talk", he says.

Oh no, he sounds serious. I take my laptop and take Mikey's call. We stare at each other for a moment before I hang up on my phone and wait for him to talk. He looks at me with the most serious face I've ever seen on him. I know what he's about to do and I won't take it good.

"Max, we have to break up."

"O-okay", I stutter, tears start to form in my eyes.

"It's just... long distance relationships don't work out for me. You know that I love you and your personality but I just can't do this. I'm sorry but I have laid my eyes on someone else and now that I will have to travel around the world with Paramore, I can't do it. I'm sorry, please find a boy who's worth it", he smiles and holds his hand out, on the screen.

I lay my hand on his and smile at him.

"It's okay, just make sure she feels as good as I did with you by my side. Have fun on tour. Skype me when you have time and please don't do anything stupid. Bye Michael, I love you forever", I sob.

"I love you to the moon and back", he says with a small smile.

I shut my laptop off and lay down. I'm a free girl now. This is the best and the worst day of my life.

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