Chapter Nine. ||

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I paced around my living room waiting for Dylan to answer. Pick up, I thought to myself. Finally I heard his voice through the phone.
"Are you here yet?" I asked Dylan. Josh was texting away while ignoring the fact that I was here. 

"Almost. Sorry Natalie took me off guard. Also Tyler's going to drive." He told me. 
"Well tell Posey I said hello and don't get too busy with her." I hung up and place my phone on the counter. Joshua looked up at me and smiled sweetly. I returned the gesture and went over to him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

"When's he coming?" Joshua asked turning his phone over. I shrugged my shoulders and began playing with his hair. "Isn't that great, always Dylan." I gave him a small smile and nodded. 

"At least he's coming for us." I placed my hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. He wasn't looking at me but I still adored his green eyes. I couldn't help but smile at him yet at the same time I felt upset being with him. He seemed quite distant than usual and it bothered me. All of a sudden there were two knocks placed on the door and a yell. I got up and went for the door. 

"C'mon babe." I turned to Josh as he got up and followed me to the car. "So clearly you guys didn't get busy." 

"Haha. Very funny Mia." Natalie said sarcastically. I smirked and got in the backseat. Joshua called shotgun because no one was sitting there and Tyler, well he just chilled waiting for us to get in. I sat next to Natalie and Dylan, who were both cuddling with each other like dorks and I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked looking at me from the mirror. I grinned and nodded my head.

"Of course." And after that, we headed off to the party. Minutes later we arrived in front of Arden's house. There were cars parked all around the block and to my conclusion, this definitely wasn't going to be just a cast party. We all got out and started heading inside until someone pulled me behind the group.

"Yes?" I asked turning around to be met by Tyler. 
"Are you alright with Natalie and Dylan going as dates?" He asked curious. My eyebrows creasing in confusion. 
"Why would I care?" Tyler shook his head 
"Nevermind." He said. "We should just head inside." I nodded slowly and followed him inside. There were tons of people. Most of them I knew but the others who I didn't seemed to be rude towards me. I looked around to find Joshua and I went his way. 

"Hey babe." He said taking a sip of his drink. 
"Hiya. So are you enjoying this evening?" He nodded smirking at me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. 
"I'm going to go talk to a few friends, you go have fun." He walked away from me and disappeared. Then there was me again, I thought to myself. I decided to go downstairs into Arden's basement. 

"MIA!" Voices yelled at me as I was walking down the stairs. 

"Guys, chill. I'm a human being, just like you all." I replied. I found Shelley, Holland, O'brien, Posey, Natalie and Sprayberry here. They all smiled at me continuing to do whatever they were doing. Holland motioned me towards her and Shelley. 

"So your friend and Dylan? They're a thing now?" Shelley asked. 

"I guess, I mean they started talking yesterday and went to this party. Must mean something." Holland smiled looking at the two. 
"They have potential. Just not as much as you two." She replied smirking at me. 

"What?" I asked confused. "This is the third or so time someone mentions them to me. Is there something I am not aware of?" The two girls laughed. 

"You and Dylan clearly have something going on." Holland wiggled her eyebrows and I glared at her. 
"He's my best friend, that's it. Plus I have a boyfriend." I said crossing my arms. "And he's definitely going to be getting a girlfriend." I mumbled to myself. Natalie started banging on drums while the guys started playing around with a guitar they found. 

"Hey Mia, come play for us!" O'brien said holding up the guitar. I shook my head. 
"My voice is shot. I'll do it another time." 
"But pleaseee!" The boys said extending the word. I groaned walking over to them, taking the guitar that was being handed over. 

"If I don't sound as good as you guys expect, don't judge me." Dylan smiled at me and patted my shoulders. I smiled back thinking about what Holland said. I sat on a stool and placed the guitar on my leg. Everyone sat on the couch in front of me, waiting for me to sing. 

I began to play the guitar waiting to start the song. 

"We used to walk on the same path. We colored our own lines." I sang. My voice began to shake as I continued. But I would stop every time I looked up at Dylan. He kept reassuring me by just simply smiling at me. 


"And I'm not sorry for the love I gave. I didn't mean to make it hard to stay..." I ended the song and finally opened my eyes to see everyone smiling at me. 

"That was really good." Tyler said clapping.

"That was beyond good!" Natalie exclaimed. 
"It was perfect." Dylan simply stated still smiling at me. I began to look down to hide my bright red cheeks. Once they vanished I looked back up. 

"Well thanks guys. That meant a lot to me." I smiled at all of them while Shelley got up seeming to notice something. 

"Hey Mia, come upstairs with me to get some food." I nodded following her up to the living room. All I could smell was chips, alcohol, soda and ice cream. 

"So what do you really want to talk about?" I stated as she went to grab a cup of chips. 

"I saw the way you two looked at each other." She smiled.
"You and Dylan. You can tell me all you want about there being nothing going on but there is something." Shelley insisted. 
"Okay, I did blush because of what he said. But, it was sweet. Do you forget I have a b-"
"A boyfriend, who isn't even talking to you." 
"Okay, that may be so. But it's just, we need some time for ourselves." I admitted, although it wasn't all true. 

"Mia, I care for you. You know that. I just want to see you happy. No one makes you happier than Dylan. You don't have to realize that right now...but you will, soon." She stated. "Now let's head back before they think we died." 

"Actually, i'm going to just go for a walk. I've been doing that a lot after parties lately. I'll text you when I get home. It's not that far." I said smiling at her. She nodded and gave me a quick hug. I walked out seeing Joshua have fun with his friends. I shook it off and continued walking. 
Maybe Shelley and Holland were right. Maybe there was something going on with Dylan and I. 

But I didn't want to believe it. 

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