Chapter Ten. ||

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I walked two blocks down till I was near my house. I, of course continued walking until I was stopped by someone shouting at me. 

"Mia! Wait up!" I turned to see Dylan running towards me. Instead of waiting for him, I turned back around and continued walking. 

"Mia!" He yelled catching up to me. He finally caught up and stopped me. "What's up?" 

"Nothing, I just really wanna go home right now." I replied looking down at the floor and gently pushing him out of my way. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back closer to him.

"Seriously, what's wrong?" This time we were a few inches away from each other and I couldn't stop looking at his lips and eyes. "Please tell me." He sweetly said. I pulled away and stood there in front of him. 

"I-I have to...uh... go." I stammered, walking away. This time I was heading the opposite direction of my house but I knew exactly where I was going. 


I knocked on the door waiting for an answer and finally the door flew open.

"Hey Mia, what are you doing here? It's like 10." Dani said confused. 

"Can I stay the night?" I asked quietly. She smiled and nodded. She led me inside her house. "Whoa, it's bigger than I expected." 

"Yeah... so what's wrong?" Dani asked getting a drink from her fridge. I sat down on one of the kitchen chairs and wrapped my arms around myself. 

"I don't know..." I replied. She looked at me as if I was joking around, but by the way I was playing around with my hair, she knew I was serious. 

"Is this about Joshua? I swear if he did anything to hurt you, I will personally chop his balls off. I'm not kidding." I shook my head.

"It's not him. This whole thing was never about him." I said in a quiet tone. She choked on her drink and walked over to me. 

"It's Dylan, isn't it?" I looked up to her and nodded. Daniella placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. "I could tell when Natalie handed him, her number." 

"It's that obvious?" She smiled and nodded.

"Very. You look like a little happy puppy around him. I know you feel something more with him than with Joshua. You usually just push Joshua away. You don't let him in. But with Dylan, you did something more." She said calmly. I smiled looking back down. 

"Well you won't believe it but I just pushed Dylan away." I stated frowning. 

"Just take some time for yourself. Don't overthink this too much. But you also shouldn't think about it while dating Josh." 
"Right... I'll call him right now?" Daniella got up and took my phone away while shaking her head. 

"We're not in high school." She implied as if it were true.

"I'm 16! I still do school. Well online school, but same thing!" I insisted. She laughed.

"Right, well it's your choice if you want to do that." She handed me back the phone and I took it. 
"I'll just talk to him, in person, tomorrow. Now I'm going to sleep." I followed her to her room and quickly changed into one of her PJ's. I then laid down in the bed waiting for her to bring some popcorn. 

"Now here's your serving and there's mine. Now, let's watch The Notebook and cry our eyes out!" She exclaimed happily jumping on the bed.

"Dude, I don't even cry when I watch The Notebook." I rolled my eyes jokingly. She pouted.

"Fine, we'll watch The Walking Dead." She changed the TV to netflix and I grinned. 
"Woohoo! Zombies!" 


"Yo, dude. Wake up." Dani poked. I groaned and put the pillow over my face. 

"Leav-leave me be." I mumbled drifting off to sleep. Just then I felt myself hitting the ground. 

"Shit!" I groaned holding onto my side. I put the pillow aside and looked up. 

"Dude!" Dani looked out from the side of the bed laughing.

"You gotta admit, that was hilarious!" I glared at her getting up blowing my hair out of my face. I went over to pick up my phone and saw 3 missed calls from Joshua. 
"Well crap." I said looking at my phone. Dani came up behind me and whispered in my ear, "That's why I pushed you off." Then walked away like it was nothing. I rolled my eyes and began to dial back the number.

"MIA! Finally you answered." Joshua shouted from the phone. 
"Yeah, hey can we meet up today?" 

"Of course, tell me when I can pick you up."
"Okay. Bye Josh." I hung up the phone and got changed quickly and went downstairs to find Natalie eating a cupcake.

"Hey M!" She said with her mouth full. 

"Sup Nat, also you might want to finish eating that first." I laughed. I waved goodbye to her and walked out the door. I texted Josh and sat down on Dani's steps waiting for Joshua to come by. Just then a car pulled up in front of the house. I got up and opened the passenger's door and got in. 

"Hey." Joshua said as he began to drive off. I gave him a small smile as he continued driving to god knows where. 

"We need to talk..." I began. He looked at me confused and then pulled over in front of a restaurant. "Look, I know we have had a lot going on. I'm going to say I think I kind of rushed into things but..." I hesitated for a moment until I realized I had to do the right thing. "Weneedtobreakup." I said quicker than I expected. 

"What?" He asked confused. 
"We need to break up..." I said pronouncing each word. He sat there for a few, not saying a word until he cleared his throat. 

"Right. Well since that's the case, I'm going to need you to get out the car." He demanded. I nodded not saying another word and getting out. I grabbed my bag and closed the door. He drove away and I stood there looking like a complete idiot. I was mad at myself for doing what I did, but I also felt better. As if I wasn't lying to myself. But all I wanted to do was go home and eat ice cream, which is what I did.

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hiyaa peeps! I wanted to write more because tomorrow I won't be able to update, but I will Monday. I'm going to be starting school soon, so it's going to be difficult but when I do figure it out, I will be putting a schedule as to when I could post and when I can't. For now I will make sure to try to put out as many chapters as I can. Also i'm thinking of starting a new story which actually takes place in season 4 of Teen wolf, you guys can tell me whether you'd want that. But that's pretty much it! thank you guys for reading my story! 

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