Chapter 8- Ryia

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With the beginning of Alexandria's reign there was a long period of silence and peace throughout the land the war came to a stand still as Simon's warriors retreated. It was as though the world was asleep after loosing such an amazing soul like Rowan. I hated it. I despised the everlasting peace and all the small talk and visitors that came with it. It was all the war and recent activity throughout the castle that we had seen so little of the dukes and duchesses and lords and ladies of the court but now that the peace had come so did the backstabbing shallow and gossiping people of the court. I hated those foul creatures the moment I had met them for my first mission from the one who had hired me to kill his brother to all the clawing hands and groping eyes of those I had met at the social party held by that brother who was evidently found dead in his bed the next morning it had seemed someone poured belladonna in his wine. What I most hated about all these visitors were all the female eyes clawing at Leo as if my being with him wasn't an indicator of he's taken get your own. Leo found it funny, though personally I think he was just glad I wasn't obsessing over finding Rowan's killer anymore, until he caught some of the lords and dukes giving me a once over. Lets just say those burn marks haven't always been on those trees. I would have been able to live with all that though without hating the court as much as I do, but then there's the gossiping. Once the fact that I was an assassin reached the ears of the ladies and duchesses I became their fascination. They were always whispering about how I kept my face a steely neutral, how I went to all the very exclusive war councils with my sister and many famous generals, but most of all they talked about how I was always gone hunting. They talked about how they figured it was because I missed killing so much. When Alexandria told me we were holding a ball I nearly cried. "Alexandria don't do this t me" I whined quietly so that only she could here. "I have no fondness for balls either but the nobles haven't been to a royal ball in nearly two years, and by god if I have to listen to another court lady beg me for a ball I may just go insane" she said to me in a hushed voice. I chuckled softly thinking of all those tea parties she and I had attended only to hear everyone beg for ball. "You have a fair point but why must I attend?" I asked. "Because you are the crown princess of Talahan and by the gods if I am forced to sit through that ball so do you" Alexandria said as we rounded the corner of the entrance to the gardens hedge maze. "Oh a warning to you Ryia during the party do all that you can to avoid the hedge maze" Alexandria said shuddering. "Why is that?" I ask, my brow furrowed. "Ryia its because this is where all those nobles come to have an affair, and honestly I can not count the times I have walked out here to see nobles kissing" Alexandria said, a horrified look passed over her features. "Duly noted" I mutter. We continued our walk with small conversations until we reached some of the court ladies who had been taking a stroll. My eyes gazed over with the steely calm I always have when the people of the court are in my presence. We nodded curtly as we passed by. "Did you hear about how princess Ryia started killing at the mere age of ten" one of the court ladies tried to whisper but clearly could not control the volume of her voice. I cringed slightly at there words knowing that these were mere guesses with no legit proof. They were wrong in fact I had just turned eight when I had taken my first life though that fact did me no favors. The next few days flew by swiftly until the day of the ball was upon us. I had been given a dress with soft silver skirts and a black top with short petal sleeves my shoes were little more than decorated slippers, which to my relief were quite comfortable. I look back at Leo who was wearing a black suit with a silver shirt. He tugged at his sleeves uncomfortably and looked up at me a smile lighting his face. "Wow Ryia you look gorgeous!" he exclaimed. His smile was so beautiful that I couldn't help but smile back. "You look rather dashing yourself though I can tell your a little less than comfortable in it" I said throwing a teasing grin at him. His smile turned smirk as he barked out a laugh and said, "like your not dying in that corset". "Touche good sir" I say planting a kiss on his cheek. Grabbing me by the waist he twirled me around and gave me a kiss smack on my mouth. "I love you so much that I just might want to skip this ball and spend the evening with you" Leo murmured onto my mouth. Laughing I broke away from the kiss. "And risk being skinned alive for stranding Alexandria with those sharks called court members, I think not my handsome angel" I say pecking his mouth and pulling him from the room. As we entered the ballroom the whisper of court members grew louder as if my presence was a magnet to rumors. Leo and I walked to the thrown where Alexandria and Aaron were seated and talking softly to Terrin who sat there captivated in the conversation. As we walked over to them their words fell to silence as they proceeded to greet us more for show than necessity. We spoke of hunting and the ever so lovely court. We spoke for sometime until I excused myself in need of air saying I would be right back. As I leaned against the outside of the castle wall some intoxicated court men backed up with some scheming court ladies cornered me. "I hear you can fight off armies girly, you think you can take us" the man in the middle of the group. Nearly retching at strong smell of alcohol wafting from his mouth. "I don't think I can take you all on, I know I can" I said sighing out my nose, done with all of their drunken swagger. With that the men charged at me. In their state I was able to beat them into a daze in a mere minute. One of the court ladies daintily covered her mouth with a gloved hand. "How dare you attack men of noble blood I knew you were plain blood thirsty you gods forsaken murderer! Just wait until the queen hears about this" she said stalking off the rest of the ladies following her like ducklings. I sighed and slouched against the wall once more. I hate balls.

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