Chapter Twenty Five-Alexandria

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That night, Ryia told us everything. She told us about the dreams with Simon, the visions of them as children, and that they had befriended each other. Aaron and I accepted this, knowing now that Simon was on our side. I truly believed that he was telling the truth about being possessed by the Demon King. And I knew that after Ryia told me this, we would have to fight. Their would be never ending war unless we fought for Talahan, and as rightful Queen, I would lead our army into battle. I had spoken about this to Aaron and Ryia, and of course they were both skeptical, but I eventually got my way.

Simon had automatically agreed to my idea. He knew I was strong and powerful, so he thought I would be a good leader for the Talahan army. I appreciated his support. But later that night after the meeting, something happened. I was taking a walk in the gardens when I noticed something strange. Their were footprints in the dirt where the flowers grew. Who would be walking through the flower garden this late at night? I looked around and gripped the hilt of my sword. "Alexandria....your always on guard, aren't you?" A voice said.

I lightly gasped. I knew that voice. I turned around to see Terrin. He was clothed in a black tunic with black pants and boots. He had a long, red cape that touched the ground. " it's true. You've turned against us" I quietly said. Terrin stared at me, not saying a word. "I trusted you, Terrin. I trusted you more than anyone. You were my best friend. But you've betrayed me. You've betrayed us all" I said, trying not to cry. "Alexandria.....I've seen the truth, and if you were to see it with your own eyes, you would come with me" Terrin said. I laughed.

"Shut up" I said. Anger filled throughout my body. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I couldn't let my powers get out of control. "Alexandria....why is it that you never noticed me?" Terrin asked. "....what?" I asked, anger filling throughout my body. "You never noticed me, Alexandria. It was always about Aaron. Aaron this, Aaron that. You've only ever been in love with him, even though I was right there the entire time" Terrin said. "Are you seriously bringing this up right now?!" I yelled. "Well when else am I supposed to? I love you, Alexandria!" Terrin said.

"If you actually loved me, you wouldn't have betrayed me! Your way of love is a lot different from mine, Terrin!" I yelled. "Alex, you don't understand!" Terrin said. "Don't call me that! Your not allowed to call me that ever again!" I yelled. Their was hurt in Terrin's eyes, but I didn't care. The person I used to know was no longer there. The person I used to know was replaced by something else, something evil. And the person I used to know would never return. "Get out of here, just get out!" I yelled. "Alex..." Terrin quietly said. "I said don't call me that, damnit!" I yelled. Terrin looked at the ground with sadness in his eyes.

"Your not welcome here anymore, so just go before I call for authorities!" I yelled. "Alex....your breaking my heart..." Terrin said. I glared and said, "Terrin, your heart broke as soon as the darkness filled it". Tears streamed down Terrin's face. "Alex, if you'd only know the truth, then you'd join me too! And I guarantee that you'd leave Aaron to be with me" Terrin said. "What truth, Terrin?! Theirs no truth! The only truth is that the Demon King is the enemy!" I yelled. Terrin shook his head.

"No Alex, Talahan is the real enemy. I know what the Knights and dukes are planning behind your back, Alex" Terrin said. "Your insane" I said. It was true. Terrin was completely insane, and he was completely brainwashed. This wasn't the person I used to know. And the person I used to know would never return. "Alex, I've seen what their doing. Talahan is my enemy now" Terrin said. I glared deeply into his eyes. I could see fear filling throughout him. "Well then" I said, "I guess we're enemies now".

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