Chapter 28- Ryia

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I walked on to the battle field flanked by many foot soldiers. I was out of place among the knights who wore gleaming iron and were fashioned with all manner of weapons. I for one did not wore a silver helm that had a decorative dragon carved into it. I hadn't told anyone but for my breastplate I had acquired flexible enchanted metal that no weapon can cleave through, and my legs were left with plain riding pant and worn leather boots. I moved fast and flexible and it wasn't long before I reached the action. Aaron had told me to stay near him, that I shouldn't stray off and put me and my baby in any more danger than I already was but I was far to busy following my blade to keep up with where he was and the battle hardly gave him any time to keep his eye on me. Their soldiers fought viciously but so did ours and I along with them. Despair gripped my heart as I saw the soil littered with bodies younger than me and many who only had knight in training sigils on their armor. Making myself continue I gained further and further into the enemy's troops. My sword slashed smoothly through the armor and bodies that came at me. I kept dancing through the lines of armed soldiers and death followed me like a shadow. There was a strange beauty in the battle field that unfolded around me, the way the blood stained the forest green grass, the way the bodies sprawled out against the earth in an almost unreal savage beauty. I almost let my guard down. "Its beautiful isn't it all the death that unfolds on the battle field like a blooming flower" I didn't need to turn to know who was behind me, it was the demon knight. The smile on his face caused me to shake with rage. How dare he smile and speak of beauty when he had taken Leo's life away. I turned to him in a quick, predatory manor. Everything in me changed from lazily, almost regretfully killing to a dragon defending the death of its mate, completely predatory and inhuman. "I'm so very glad to have run into you I said with a blood lust filled smile. "I'm sure you think you are going to be able to avenge your fae prince, but I'm afraid you will die before you ever manage to do that" the demon knight said with a crazed grin that sent an awful chill up my back. I hefted my sword up and with a wicked grin I said "I guess we will see won't we?". I charged forward and swung my blade but it sliced through open air. I turned fast and barely dodged the Demon Knight's counter attack. He roared out a laugh, "you are quite the nimble little fey princess you are". I didn't give him an inch as I attacked once more, he deflected my blade and tripped me. I caught myself just in time to counter his oncoming blade. The stepping backwards and forwards to dodge , counter, and give attacks nearly felt like dancing not that I had much practice in such lady-like thing. I ducked as he threw a dagger at my head and nearly wasn't able to block the swing he had given directly afterwards but I did, just barely. The swords clashed reminding me of the sound of playing billiards but the sparking sound of the blades sliding against each other sounded far different. We continued fighting while he gave snide remarks and occasionally I would return them in favor causing him to grin and laugh. I had almost managed to knock him down when he spied my blood soaked blade. "I see you soaked your blade in the blood of the soldiers I manipulated, do you think its fair that they all have to die for following orders and protecting the families who will miss them so dearly now that they have fallen in battle. To think they didn't even have a real choice with me fogging there minds since the very beginning. Though I suppose some good will come out of it since only a blade soaked in the blood of fallen enemies can kill a Demon Knight" he said as he deflected and dodged my sword. Taking in the information I had just been so graciously given, I had to push away the guilt of all the innocents I had to kill for now. I would mourn their deaths and apologize profusely to their families, do anything I need to do to atone later but for now I had to stay focused on killing the Demon King and keeping this from happening to any more families. I grunted in acknowledgement of his words as I continued to endure the whirling blades of the deadly dance. I had finally landed a blow on his skin and watched as black blood sizzled down his skin. In m trance he swung his blade down as though to cut off my sword arm but stopped mid-swing for a second we both stood in frozen amazement as the blade refused to cut my skin. A smile appeared on his lips slowly. "I see the shadow witch put a protection spell on you how sweet, too bad she didn't realize that spell weakens the magic of the soul you put it on though that knowledge was lost long ago, but either way how is she supposed to focus on the battle when casting two protection spells?" he wondered aloud. That idiot, Alexandria should be more focused on her own fights not mine, I broke her spell with a fire wall and then let fire mold into my sword the blood on sword being absorbed by the flames and in my hand I crafted a flame sword. I looked at the Demon Knight with a vicious smirk "you will die by the Leo, the fey prince's element. Now lets see how I manage without that spell"

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