Chapter 24- Ryia

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After having the first real meal I had had in days, Alexandria told me that Simon was upstairs sleeping in the infirmary. "He's here? How did he escape the demon knight? Is he himself?" I bombarded her with my never ending stream of questions before realizing that I needed to give her time to speak if I wanted to hear any answers. "Well, I'm afraid to say I don't know the answers to all of your questions but he was the one who told me about Terrin". Hearing his name was like a knife in my heart because no matter how many fights we had he was the one person who stood by me through the most bitter heart wrenching moments of my life. Without him its quite safe to say I would have committed suicide by now, my body decaying in the earth and not housing a child. How could someone so kind betray us, betray me like that? It wasn't worth crying about now though, Terrin simply wasn't as strong as he once was. "Can I see Simon?" I asked hopefully I had to see him and make sure he was okay. "Of course but you have to remember, he's been through a lot, he's really injured and he probably be asleep" Alexandria said in a warning tone. "I know I just need to see him, I need to know he's alright" I pleaded. "Alright then as long as you keep that in mind". With that we started our way up stairs. We walked up the stairs and as we turned the corner to the hall I could hear Simon. "I'm fine I don't need a nap I need to get off my ass and save my brother!" he sounded irritated as though he had been arguing about this for a while. "You aren't alright at all much of your energy has been drained by all that magic you used you need to sleep and I will be damned if you end up with chronic fatigue because you refused to restore your full energy after nearly depleting it, is that understood?" the voice was male and sounded a around my age. The thought of someone as stubborn and challenging as Simon almost made me laugh. There was no way I was missing a moment of this amusing argument. I heard Alexandria give little giggle as we snuck closer, wanting hear more of the conversation. "Whether or not I suffer chronic fatigue is none of your concern in the first place" Simon said stubbornly. "It will be my concern if I have to make a cure for it every month!" the other man exclaimed loudly. As much as I hated to interrupt an amusing argument like the one before me I really wanted to see Simon. I walked in with Alexandria close behind me. "Simon!" I exclaimed rushing forward to hug him. "Ryia?" tears sprung to his eyes as he hugged me tightly. "I-I'm so beyond sorry that I don't know what to say. If only I was faster I-I could have saved Leo" he started crying into my shoulder. "No, I will not allow you to take the blame for a another murder at the Demon Knight's hands, no matter what happens or has happened I do not find blame in you, I will avenge Leo's death by spilling the blood of his enemy on my two hands. Their will be no mercy to those who made my loved ones suffer. Their torture shall be famous through all rings of hell and there screams shall forever instill in the hearts of any who dare cross me" I growled fiercely. I looked down at him with a careful gaze, "Its all going to be alright the demon knight will die and we will figure out everything after that" I said letting false confidence ooze from my words. "Now I must ask you to sleep before you give our doctor a reason to make my life a thousand times harder" it took a while but with Alexandria and the doctor, whom's name I learned to be Magni, backing me up we got him to agree to rest more before ridding off after his brother, which would probably end with a duel. I couldn't bring myself to tell him but I had long suspected that Terrin's heart was no longer with our stance against the demon knight, he would not come back as much as it pained me to say it. How funny it was, we loose one brother but gain the other, the thought made me want to laugh and cry all at once but I knew I wouldn't do either I would keep my head high and fight my battles, mourning those we've lost would have to wait. It was time to fight.

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