Chapter Nine-Alexandria

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I thought that a ball would brighten up everyone's depressed mood, but apparently I was wrong. Ryia had beaten up men of noble blood in the courtyard. The court ladies had dragged Ryia to the ballroom and towards my throne, where I was sitting. "Your sister has beaten and almost killed three court men!" One of the court ladies said. Aaron, who was sitting at my side, lightly gasped and looked at Ryia. "Ryia...." I said. "They were challenging me" she mumbled.

I lightly smiled. Despite how bad this was, it made me happy. Ryia would never back down from a challenge. "Your highness, do something about her!" A court lady yelled, pointing her finger at Ryia. "The matter will be resolved later. Until then, please, enjoy the ball" I said. One of the court ladies took a step closer to me. "How can I enjoy myself when their is a killer in the castle?! She may have royal blood, but she's nothing but a cold blooded killer. She was raised by assassins. She's not welcome here" the court lady said.

Ryia lightly gasped. "That's enough!" Aaron yelled. The court ladies gasped. Did Aaron yell? I glanced at him, then at Ryia. Tears were streaming down her face. "I three should leave" I said to the court ladies. Their expressions grew angry. "Fine, we're perfectly okay with that, your highness. At least our safety will be assured, unlike the rest of your people" one of them said. "....what's that supposed to mean?" I asked, standing up. "What I mean, is that their is an assassin living in your castle" another said.

"I bet she's the one that killed King Rowen!" A court lady yelled, pointing a finger at Ryia. Ryia gasped. "I bet she killed their father too!" Another yelled. Ryia sobbed. She grabbed her skirts and ran out of the ballroom. "Ryia!" I yelled. I glared at the court ladies and ran after her. Ryia stormed down the halls. She was so fast, I couldn't catch up to her. But I knew she was going to her room. I ran upstairs and into her room. She laid on her bed, crying on her pillow.

I slowly walked over to her and sat on the edge of her bed. I placed my hand on her shoulder. Ryia sat up and wiped her eyes. "I....hate balls" she said. I smiled and said, "I know. It was a bad idea to have one. I'm sorry." Ryia shook her head. "It's not your fault" she said. We sat there in silence. " that all anyone sees me as? An assassin? A threat to the kingdom?" She asked. I looked into my sister's eyes, her eyes that were identical to mine.

"Well, I most certainly don't. Aaron doesn't either. And if you think Leo does, you must be truly crazy" I said. Ryia smiled. "And as much as you'd like to deny it, Terrin doesn't think that either. And Rowen never thought that when he was alive. So no, that's not what everyone sees you as" I said. We sat there in silence. Then suddenly, a voice said, "are we interrupting?" Ryia and I looked at the doorway to see Leo and Aaron. I smiled at Aaron, and he smiled back.

Leo sat next to Ryia and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm so sorry" he whispered. Ryia said nothing. "Ryia....I know it was bad of you to do this, but....I've gotta say, it sounded like a sight I'd like to see" Aaron said. Ryia lightly gasped and looked at Aaron. "I'd really like to see those court men get beat up" he said. Ryia laughed. We were all laughing. "Come on, let's just ditch this ball and walk around outside like we used to" I said. Leo nodded.

We got up and walked outside the castle and onto the kingdom. We walked around the kingdom of Talahan. "It feels like forever since I've seen my own kingdom" I said. Leo looked at me with a pitiful expression. "....why do you look at me that way?" I asked. "Well, your queen now. I just can't imagine bearing all the weight on your shoulders" he said. I smiled. "I'm getting by fine so far, but this is only the beginning of a long journey" I said.

Aaron smiled and lightly kissed my cheek. The four of us walked together until it was midnight.


I stood on my balcony that night, since I couldn't sleep. I missed standing on the balcony. It felt like a million years since I had stood there. I was a bit afraid, since this was always where Simon came to see me, but it was past midnight, so I knew I was ok. But suddenly, I felt someone's arms wrap around me comfortingly. "It's felt like forever since we've stood here together" Aaron whispered in my ear. I turned around and planted my lips against his.

It's felt like forever since I kissed my own husband. Everything has been so chaotic that I've barely even seen him. I wrapped my arms tightly around him as he pressed his lips against mine once more. "Aaron....I missed you..." I said. He smiled and placed his hand on my cheek. "I don't want to drift apart..." I said. A tear streamed down my face. "Drift apart?" He asked. "It's just....felt like forever since we've last had this much time together" I said.

Aaron looked into my eyes. "Do you really think that I'd let us drift apart, Alexandria? No matter what happens, I won't loose you. I love you more than anything" he said. Then, I placed my lips against his. We stood there for a while until we finally decided to get some rest. His arms wrapped around me throughout the night, and it felt warm and comforting. I rested my head against his chest and fell asleep.

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