Chapter 5

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Cas's POV:

I walked into the cafeteria. My eyes searched for Dean. I found him in the corner at a table. I quickly walked up to the table.

"Hey!" I said with a smile as I sat down.

"Hey." Dean responded lightly.

"How was history?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"It was OK... I got distracted and then Mr. Sutely embarrassed me in front of everyone." Dean said looking down. His cheeks were tinted pink with shame.

"Well, it's OK. I mean, we've all done it before." I said. I was trying to make Dean feel better.

"Yeah..." Dean said as he stared off into space.

"Hey, hey... Are you OK?" I asked.

"Oh, Um... Yeah. Im fine... Um, Cas?" Dean asked nervously.


"w-would you like to come over? After school?"

"Yeah, that'd be great!" I said as my face lit up.

"Cool, cool. Awesome." Dean said, smirking down at his sandwich.


Once school let out, I walked to the impala. A Friday in the school parking lot was always a mess. It took forever to get out and onto the road.

Sam was leaning up against the door of the car when I got there. He was waiting for Dean.

"Hey, Sam." I said as I walked up to him.

"Hey." Sam responded.

Dean came up behind me and unlocked the doors. We all hopped in the car. Within 20 minutes we were heading to Dean's house.

Dean's POV:

I was nervous. Cas coming to the house made me jittery. Not that I had feelings for him or anything... Just nervous.

I pulled up into the garage. Ellen and Bobby probably weren't home yet. Bobby worked til 8 and Ellen worked til 10. It was only 4:00 when we got home.

I unlocked the front door and let Sam and Cas into the house. They both walked in and almost immediately, Sam started giving a tour. After that I took Cas up to my room. I opened my door and Cas looked around.

"This is pretty nice." Cas said with a grin.

"Thanks." I replied with.

I did have a pretty nice room. There was a queen size bed, a laptop station, two bookshelves, a speaker, a TV, and two huge beanbags.

"Just set your stuff there." I said, pointing to the corner. Cas set his stuff down and sat on a bean bag. "You mind if I turn some music on?"

"Nah, I don't care." Cas said.

I turned some My Chemical Romance on and saw Cas smile.

"I love this band... I wish they'd get back together." Cas said with a sigh.

"yeah. Me too." I said, frowning.


Cas's POV:

Dean and I were sitting on his bed. Just talking. Doing nothing.

"My parents left me when I was six. Lucifer was eight and Gabe was four. My mom... I loved her, so much. She was just... Amazing. I have so many good memories of her. I don't remember much of my dad, though... I just don't understand, why they left us... It... It still hurts. Sort of like an unhealed wound." I said as a tear escaped my eye.

"Yeah. My dad... He just... I cant tell you why, but he was a bad parent. When mom died, he started treating Sammy and I like shit. We got taken away when I was eleven. Sam was eight... Just... Bad times. They still haunt me. I can't lose the memories." Dean said with a sigh.

"Wow... "I said, as he trailed off.

"What?" Dean asked.

"It's just that... I've never told anyone that. I guess Im just more comfortable around you." I responded, Giving a small smile.

"Yeah... Me too..." Dean said. He looked up into my eyes and I looked back.

There was a spark. A pang in my heart for this boy. Dean... His sparkling green eyes, god-like bone structure, everything. There was always an instant connection.

We kept staring. What is happening? I thought. Suddenly, Dean inched forward. His eyesdarted to my lips and then back at me again. Butterfly's danced in my stomach as I also leaned closer.

Dean closed his eyes gently as I slowly kept moving forward. My eyes fluttered shut as our skin embraced. His warm lips against mine. We moved together in harmony. His mouth was hot and inviting. I felt my adrenaline rush and my heart beat sped.

I finally pulled back after what seemed like hours. Dean just stared at me and I stared back. I smiled a little bit and saw Dean laugh lightly. I looked down as my cheeks blushed.

I knew then, that Dean and I were meant to be. There wasn't anything that was going to stop me.

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