Chapter 16

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Cas's POV:

     I entered the house. The dining room was empty. I set my stuff down and walked into the kitchen. Mom and dad were sitting at the bar. They both looked up at me when they heard me walk in.

"Hello Castiel." Mom said stiffly. She stood up and rested her hands on the chair she was sitting in before.

"Um, hey..." I said quietly. Mom stayed silent and then looked away.

"So... how have your grades been in school?" She asked lightly. I mentally cringed at her question. I kept quiet and focused on the floor.

"One of your teachers called me. They said that they were very concerned with your grades..." Mom said sternly.

"You can't become a doctor or a lawyer with failing grades, dear." She said lightly. I felt my temper snap.

"I don't want to be a doctor." I muttered angrily.

"What was that?" Dad asked.

"I said, I don't want to be a doctor or a lawyer." I said, my voice slowly rising. I looked up at them. Mom raised he eyebrows.

"Excuse me?!" She said, anger bubbling within her. I stood up tall and looked down on her.

"I am not going to be a lawyer or a doctor. And you can't make me. You aren't going to change my mind." I responded with a firm tone.

"You live in my house, under my rules." Dad yelled. Mom nodded in approval.

"Ok. Fine, try to make me change. Do it. I dare you." I challenged. An evil smirk grew onto my face. Mom gasped in shock.

"You're grounded. From everything. Including your deadbeat, faggot boyfriend." Dad shouted. Adrenaline pumped through my veins.

"Ok, you know what!? You can fuck with me all you want to, but don't you say anything about him! He has nothing to do with this, so leave him alone!!" I shouted in dad's face. I exhaled fiercely and stepped back. Mom was starring with a disgusted look on her face. Lucifer's eyes rushed from me, to dad, to mom. Gabe was standing in the doorway, hiding away.

     I stomped up to my room and slammed the door. The loud bang echoed through the whole house.i took the picture of us all together and threw it across the room. It hit the wall and the glass shatteted. I glanced over at it. I was about eight. Gabriel was six and Lucifer was 10. Gabriel adapted well to our lifestyle, I never knew about Lucifer. He kinda just stopped talking after everything happened.

     I grabbed my phone and pressed on Dean's contact picture. I hit the call button and listened to ringing. Dean picked up and gave a hopeful hello to me.

"Dean can you come pick me up?" I asked urgently.

"Um, yeah. Sure. When?"

"Now. Just hurry up, ok?" I plead.

"Yeah, ok. I'll be there soon." Dean responded. The line went dead and I sat my phone down.

     I rushed to my closet and pulled out a duffel bag. I started shoving random clothes in the bag. Jeans, t-shirts, boxers, socks. Anything I could find. I grabbed my bookbag from downstairs and bright it up to my room.

     I saw headlights flood through my room and the gentle put of the impala. I looked out my window and saw Dean in the car. I grabbed my duffel bag and through it on the roof. Then, I slid myself out the window and also onto the roof. I jumped off and rolled onto the ground with my bags.

     I opened the jet black car door and threw my stuff into the back. I sat down into the seat. Dean looked at me. I kissed him.

"Let's go." I muttered, and we sped away.

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