Chapter 13

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Dean's POV:

As our lunch shift ended, Cas, Melina, and I walked back to class. We split our paths and trudged to 6th period. Only two hours and fifteen minutes until school ended for this horrible Monday. Such a long time.

The bell rang as I sat down in class. I began to get out a she at of paper and a pencil, when I looked up at the board. In scribbled handwriting, a note read, pop quiz for class. Great. Just great.


Cas's POV:

I pushed a few books and a jacket into my bookbag. I walked out the back doors, letting them slam behind me. I looked down the sidewalks and saw a kid slumped over by the corner. Three jocks were taking turns throwing punches and kicking the boy. Blood trickled from his nose. His long brown hair fell over his face. He was tall and lean. He whimpered in fear as the biggest boy rose his fist again.


I dropped my bookbag and sprinted to the corner. As I ran, I thought up plans on how to beat these boys. Before I knew it, I was kicking the smallest boy in the knee. He hunched over, but quickly returned and threw a punch. I ducked and gave him an uppercut as I sprung back up. He flew backwards in shock and pain. The other boy came for me. He had beachy blonde hair and tan skin. He stopped in front of me.

"Whatcha doing here, fag?" The jock challenged

"I'm here to beat your ass." I replied sarcastically. Before he could react, I kicked him in the groin. He fell to his knees and leaned over. I punched his jaw hard, he fell to the ground with no response.

The biggest jock was my last opponent. I looked him over and he charged at me. He went to tackle me but I ducked and grabbed his legs. He tripped over and hit the sidewalk. The satisfying sound of skin scraping against concrete filled the air. The beefy jock groaned and slowly stood up. He toughened up and threw his fist at my jaw. I grabbed his arm and twisted around. He screamed out. I pushed his twisted arm upwards and he fainted. All three boys layed on the ground either unconscious or in deep pain.

I jogged over to Sam. His eyes were glazed over and his nose stopped bleeding. He was still slumped against the wall. There were bruises beginning to bloom across his face.

"Come on, Sammy. We gotta get you to Dean." I grunted as I slung Sam over my shoulder. He groaned from pain and I felt his stomach lurch forward.

"Dean..." He whispered breathlessly.

I walked quickly to the parking lot and saw Dean waiting out side the car. I called for help and Dean looked up. Once he saw that Sam was hurt he ran. Ran so fast, you could barely see him. We pulled Sam to the impala, and sat him in the front seat. Dean took over as he asked questions.

"Sammy, what happened?" Dean said in a worried tone.

"I...t-these boys came over and started beating me up. I fell down and the pushed me against the wall. That's all I-I remember." Sam said. He sounded weak, like he was struggling. Dean turned towards me.

"I'm gonna kill those son of a bitches. They're fucking dead." Dean's face showed complete rage. He charged toward where Sam and I came from. I ran in front of Dean and stopped him.

"Don't worry. I already took care of it." I said reassuringly. Dean looked grateful.

"Ok. We gotta get home, take care of him." Dean said, pointing to sam. I sighed.

"Alright...let's go."

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