A Little Piece of Home

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She took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes opening the door quickly and pointing her gun at what she expected to be a clicker or something. Instead, she looked down upon a medium sized dog with fluffy fur. She tilted her head at it confused and the dog tilted its head back with her.

"Megan, it's just a dog." She laughed a little and knelt down to the dog inspecting it before slowly reaching her hand out. The dog cautiously sniffed her hand and its tail began to wag as it padded inside. Carter chuckled and shut the door "It's a nice doggy." She smiled. Megan slowly crept out from out of the kitchen and looked at the dog. "It looks like a sheepoo." She commented pushing up her glasses. Carter walked over "What's that?" She questioned and Megan looked at her before answering "It's like a shitzu and a poodle mixed together," she explained.

"Oh... Cool I guess?" She shrugged. The dog wagged its tail and barked. Megan smiled a little and stuck her hand out petting the dog. Carter watched, studying the dog "I used to have a dog. Like this actually. His name was Buddy." She said and the dog looked up when she said Buddy. The dog barked and jumped up on Carter. Carter picked it up as it licked her face. She saw a blue collar around the dog, and looked at the name tag with wide eyes.

Buddy!" She exclaimed and hugged the dog tightly. "You such a smart baby!" She gasped and kissed the top of Buddy's head. "This is my dog! He followed me all the way out here." She told Megan and Megan looked surprised "The town is almost thirty miles from here. The dog followed you that far?" She asked skeptically. Carter shrugged "Apparently!" She giggled again as Buddy licked her cheek.

After a while, Megan looked Carter up and down. "Hey Carter, do you want something to eat? I've got lots of winter coats in the closet. Oh and I have some clothes that are too small for me, maybe you could fit into them." She grinned.

Carter smiled looking at her. A knew change in clothes? Out of these dirty and ripped things? That would be great! She thought to herself happily. "Yes please." She answered. Megan smiled and stood walking to the pantry and taking out some soup. "I'll make soup, you can go upstairs and look in my closet. There should be a box in there full of clothes." She directed her. Carter nodded and set Buddy down, as he stayed at her feet. She began walking upstairs with Buddy trailing right behind.

Once exploring some more rooms, she came to what she assumed was Megan's room, which was light blue with academic awards on shelves, books in a few places, and posters all around. She found the closet and opened it up, seeing all of her clothes, then searching for the box, which she soon found. Carter pulled the box out with ease and looked at Buddy before opening the box and seeing all the nice clothing. There were many pairs of jeans as well as many different colored shirts, some fancy looking.

She got downstairs a few minutes later wearing some easy, black sweatpants as well as a clean, blue, long sleeved button up shirt. Megan looked at her and smiled "You look nice." She said sweetly. "Thankyou." Carter grinned and looked at Buddy who trotted along side her.

This world is no longer the same. It's not a happy place anymore, but perhaps this is God's way of showing he's still here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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