The Others

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Sam walked over to the closet door and opened it as a woman and a boy stumbled out. "Honey, this is Carter, Ethan, and Emily," said Sam. They all waved at each other and the woman spoke "I'm Sarah, this is Payton," she nodded her head towards the boy. Payton looked to be about fourteen or fifteen, the woman looked about twenty or so. Emily stared at Payton, she blushed as Payton smiled at her. Carter and Ethan exchanged glances and smiled trying to hold in their laugh. This was the first time they had seen the girly part of Emily.

After a while, they all headed downstairs and sat down at the dining table. Sarah went into the kitchen and soon came out with bowls of soup, placing them down in front of Payton, Sam, Emily, Carter, and Ethan. The soup smelled divine, but Carter sat still, not wanting to be the first to take a bite. Sam smiled and looked at Ethan "Did you kids come from the city?" Asked Sam as he blew on to the hot soup. Ethan nodded "Yeah, we were at school and then the stalkers attacked." He said looking at Sam. "It's really bad there, those things are limping and crawling up and down the street all over." Added Emily making eyes contact with everyone.

Carter stayed silent, she didn't know what to say, these people made her think of her parents and friends who could either be alive or dead. Staring at her soup, Carter swirled her spoon around, causing ripples and disturbance in the warm soup.

Ethan nudged Carter and she looked up at Ethan "What's wrong Carter?" Ethan whispered. The look on Carter's face gave it all away, but Ethan decided he would just ask in case. Sarah watched Ethan and Carter intently, she felt bad for the kids, their parents could be dead. Carter looked back down to her soup and replied "Just a little homesick," she said with a sigh. Ethan hesitated, "Look, they will be fine," he paused. Carter shook her head "You said they were dead." Her expressionless face shown nothing. He did say that, didn't he? Why would he tell her that? What was he thinking? He felt bad but returned to eating his soup, for it was most likely true.

Afterwards, Sarah picked up the soup dishes and washed them. Sam guided the kids to some bedrooms for them to rest in for the darkening night. Carter was shown into a lavish looking bedroom. The walls had designs of animals such as deer, wolves, and some other small creatures. It was beautiful, and against the decorative wall sat a small bed with a red blanket neatly placed on it. It reminded Carter of a cabin her parents and her rented during the summer near a lake. She remembered it as if it was just yesterday. The sun shown gorgeously and beamed down warming her skin. They spent their entire day at the lake swimming and playing. The memory reassured her that she would find her parents soon.

She laid on the comfy bed with a sigh of relief. Carter hadn't slept for days, and was awfully tired. Almost immediately she fell asleep, and was sucked into the dreamland once again.

In her dream, the memory of her and her parents playing in the lake that beautiful, summer day. She splashed around in the water with her mom and dad. Such an amazing dream! All the sudden the skies darkened and a wall grew between her and her family. She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. "Carter! Carter!" A voice like Ethan's yelled her name. She opened her eyes to see Ethan shaking her, "Carter! Some Stalkers got in! Get up! We need to get out of here!" Carter jolted up and jumped out of the bed. A banging came from the other side of the door. Ethan had a horrified look on his face, and Carter grabbed her bloody hammer and waited at the door.

"Ethan, open the door!" She yelled over the banging of the door and the moans and shrieks coming from the other side. Ethan hesitated "Just open it!" She shouted angrily. Ethan nodded and ran to the door opening it as about three stalkers and shriekers fell to the ground in a pile. Immediately, Carter slammed her hammer down on their head. One of the shriekers got up and ran towards Carter snapping it jaw at her throat. The impact of the big body knocked Carter down and the stalker continued snapping it's jaw at her. She couldn't do it, she would have to give in, it was to strong. Carter closed her eyes waiting for a sharp pain to hit her, but it didn't. When she opened her eyes, she saw a screwdriver had pierced the monster's skull. Pushing the stalker off she laid on the ground in shock. Ethan ran over and kneeled down to her "Are you okay? Did it bite you?" There was blood everywhere she couldn't decide if it was her own blood or not. Carter shook her head no, even though she wasn't very sure. Ethan helped her up and looked into her eyes "Alright, we need to leave. We have to find the others though."

Carter nodded in understanding and they both ran out the door. Looking down the hallway, she saw another group of stalkers and tickers moaning and ticking at the door. One of the stalkers looked her way and started towards her. Carter gripped the hammer tightly in her hands, she was ready to fight. That's when the rest of the group looked her way. The two tickers let out a tick, and ran toward her at the same time. "This isn't good!" She gulped when she realized there was no way she could beat them all. Carter shook her head and ran down the stairs, Ethan was right behind her. Once they got to the bottom, they heard the tickers tumbling down the stairs, one landed at Carter's ankle and yanked her down. Immediately, Carter pounded in the ticker's head and it's grip loosened enough for Carter to escape.

Ethan was busy killing the other ticker when the rest of the stalkers tumbled down after. Some landed at the bottom dead, and the other dragged their way toward Carter and Ethan. "Carter, I know I said we had to find the others earlier, but we can't stay here! There are more upstairs, and they are all huddled in groups! We can't beat them, we need to leave!" Ethan shouted over the moans and dragging sounds of the stalkers. Carter shook her head no, but she knew he was right. "What about Emily? And Sam and the others? We can't leave them here to die!" Carter pleaded. "Carter, the man had a gun and Emily found a butcher knife to kill these things with, they will be fine!" He said loosing patience.

Carter sighed "Okay! Hold them off, I think there may be better weapons in the kitchen!" Carter ran into the kitchen. She opened every drawer and cabinet, grabbing a can of beans, some crackers, energy bars, and waters then placing the, in a backpack she had found in one of the rooms. Just as she was about to leave, something shined out of the corner of her eye, it was a gun, it looked like Sam's gun. But if that was Sam's gun, what did they have to defend themselves? Just then a bang of a gun sounded off from upstairs. It wasn't his gun, but she needed it. She grabbed the gun and ran back to Ethan. "I have to help!" She said, and without hesitation, she ran up the stairs with her gun.

At the far end of the hallway a group of stalkers awaited at the door. Now, Carter had never shot a gun before, but it looked easy in the movies, maybe she could kill them, or at least draw attention away from the other. She aimed the gun down the hallway and towards one of the stalkers head. Carter pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew through the skull of the stalker. The noise caused the others to look towards her and start to walk toward her. Once the last stalker left the door, Sam stepped out and aimed his gun shooting more stalkers. Emily sprinted out into the group of stalkers and dug the large butcher knife through their heads.

When all the stalkers in the hallway were dead, Sam, Sarah, Payton, and Emily hustled toward Carter. A banging came from one of the doors in the hallway, followed by moans, and Sam ran past grabbing Carter and pulling her down the stairs. Ethan was waiting at the door and the group ran out into the wilderness not bothering to even look back at the beautiful, but deadly cabin.

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