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Sam dove toward the part of the bridge that hadn't collapsed, and grabbed Emily's hand. Ethan held on to the bridge tight, but his hands felt like he was slipping. Sam pulled Emily up, then sprung at Ethan grabbing his hand before he let go, then pulling him up also.

"Come on Carter!" Shouted Payton from across the river. Ethan was in shock as well as Emily. Carter ignored him and continued swinging her hammer. Then out of no where, a sudden weight plowed her over and fell on top of her. Carter had her breath knocked out of her, and she opened her mouth for air, but no oxygen would come in. Then the weight on top of her lifted, and she took a breath letting out a cough. This thing was definitely not a monster, it had to be a person.

When the oxygen reached Carter's head, her vision was regained and she looked up at the figure who's face was covered by a hood. Clumsily, Carter stood up and coughed once again. "W-who are you?" She asked roughly still trying to get all the air in her lungs.

The person ignored her, and continued slaying the stalkers and tickers that ran towards them. "Come on! Get over here!" Demanded Sam loudly. Carter took a glimpsed at her group, then back at the stranger. The stranger seemed to kill the monsters easily, and her group watched from the other side calling Carter's name.

"Carter!" She heard Ethan shout. Carter turned toward her group, then with one last look at the stranger, she took a step onto the bridge. When she came to the part where the River had collapsed, she sprinted forward and jumped barley making it. Payton grabbed her hand and pulled her off the bridge. "Thanks," said Carter breathing heavily. Payton nodded and the group continued staring at the strange, shadowed figure.

Now that Carter knew what was going on, she could tell the figure was a male by the body shape. "We need to get out of here." Whispered Emily. "No, we need to help that person. Maybe they could join us." Sarah said. Sam shook his head

"No Sarah, we already have a big enough group. We can't afford to take in any people."

"But Sam, they need help!"

"Let it go!" He said loudly.

Payton barged in "I think we should just leave. What if that person is bitten? Every zombie book I have ever read says if you get bit, you turn into a zombie!" he said.
Carter glanced at Payton when he mentioned being bit. She pulled her sleeves down as far as she could so know one would notice her bite mark. The man looked over at them, only his eyes visible. "Run." He said loudly. The group wasted no time, everyone took off besides Carter. Carter was left staring at the stranger "I've got it!" He yelled to Carter. She hesitated, then started to run to catch up with her group. Who was that person? Why did they save her? She would probably never know the answer, and with that, she ran into the dense, shady, forest.

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