The Cabin

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They ran for their lives, escaping the terrible shrieks and ticks of the shriekers and tickers. Ethan was fast, and ran ahead of Emily and Carter, suddenly he came to a hault. Emily stopped ahead of Carter but Carter was busy thinking of other things and wasn't paying attention. Before she knew it, she was tumbling down a small hill along with Ethan and Emily. Once she stopped rolling, and got over her dizziness, she looked around then sat up. Ethan and Emily were also sitting up. Ethan had a surprised look on his face, and Emily looked angrily at Carter.

Pretending she didn't see Emily, Carter stood up and realized what was in front of her. A medium sized cabin sat in front of her. The others stood up and started walking towards it, Carter followed with her now bloody hammer grasped tightly in her hand. Emily pulled out her crowbar and took a step onto the wooden porch.

A creak was heard with every step on the old, squeaky, wood porch. Emily didn't seem to care, she walked on it like not a sound was heard. Immediately she kicked open the door and raised the crowbar, ready for battle, but nothing came. Emily walked inside, Ethan behind her, and Carter last. "Well, looks pretty clear down here," Emily said lowering the crowbar. "But I'm not so sure of upstairs..." She said quietly. "Alright, I'll go check upstairs, and you both sit down here and wait. Ethan opened his mouth to Carter argue, but Emily's expression told him to say nothing more and he shut up.

Emily walked to to the bottom of the staircase and looked up into the dingy, and very dusty hallway at the top of the stairs. Just as she took a step onto the first step, a loud crashing sound came from upstairs. The heavy sound alerted Ethan and Carter. Immediately, they stood up clutching their weapons tight, and ran to Emily's side. "What was that?" Whispered Ethan. "Maybe we shouldn't stay here, there could be shriekers upstairs," Carter whispered looking at Emily. Emily stared straight ahead not taking her eyes off the stairs "There are no shirkers or tickers upstairs, we would have heard their loud, annoying, ticking and shrieking sounds by now." Carter gulped and looked up the stairs "Lets go check it out," Ethan whispered starting up the stairs with Emily and Carter behind them.

The hallway was gloomy, as they walked. Emily finally turned to Ethan and Carter. "You two know how to use your weapons right?" Emily asked. They both nodded and Emily continued "Okay, so Ethan, you take that room," she nodded her head towards the door closest to the hallway. "Carter, take that room at the far end of the hallway, and I will take this one," she looked at the door closets to the group "Good luck." She said then they all separated toward their doors.

Carter walked to the far end of the hallway and stood staring at the door. She took a deep, hesitant, breath and placed her free hand on the knob. "One..." She let the breath out, "two..." She closed her eyes tightly "three" she whispered opening her eyes and opening the door. She looked around the empty room and took a step in, but was stopped by a clicking noise in her right ear. Turning her head, she found a gun. Pointed to her head, and a young man looking to be about twenty or so, holding the gun.

A gasp escaped her mouth and she stared at the man in horror "Please don't shoot!" She whispered in a shaky voice. The man continued holding the gun to her head "What's your name, and why are you here?" He asked. "M-m-my name is C-Carter," she paused "My f-friends and I were just l-looking for a place to r-rest," she stuttered. The man kept the gun to her head "Are you bitten?" He asked. Only half the man's face shown in the shadowy room. Carter shook her head no. The man let the gun down and stepped into the light of the window. He had dark brown hair, and brown eyes. His ears had earrings in them, and he looked muscular. "Names Sam, Sam Deburg," he held his hand out for her to shake and she did shake his hand.

"Now Carter, how old are you and your friends?" He asked kneeling down to her level. "I'm fourteen, Ethan is thirteen, and I think Emily is fourteen." The look in Sam's eyes told her he was trustworthy. He stood up straight and looked into the hallway "Where are your friends?" Sam asked. "They were checking the other rooms for stalkers," Carter replied. "Well Carter, I can assure you, nothing is in this cabin." He nodded respectfully. "I should go tell my friends..." Carter said stepping into the hallway. Sam nodded "Alright, you do that." Carter walked down the hallway into each room pulling Emily and Ethan out. "This is Sam," she finally said when they were both with her. Ethan held out his hand and they shook hands. Emily nodded a greeting the way she did when Carter and her met. "Well, your safe here for tonight, you can stay as long as you want." He smiled.

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