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     Carter pulled out her phone and called her parents. Nothing. All phone lines were dead. Carter started getting even more nervous then before, more questions began to fill her mind. Were her parents safe? Were they attacked? Did they leave the house? Did they go crazy too? She sat in the back of the classroom with Ethan trying to stay calm. Carter was only 14, she was not prepared for the answers to any of the questions, in fear they might be answered the hard way.

     Ethan and Carter looked at the clock, "1:00..." Ethan groaned. "I'm so hungry!" He sighed and leaned against the wall. Carter looked at him angrily "Ethan, our parents could have been attacked like those people we saw outside, and all your worried about is food?" Ethan looked down shamefully "Your right."

     Mr.Moughler had left the room at about 12:30 and finally came back in. "Kids, the school doors are locked, no one can get in or out. The windows are boarded up, so those... People... Outside can't get in." All the kids looked a little relieved but, still nervous. "The cafeteria is open, so you can go get lunch. No one will be leaving this school tonight, you could all be in danger if we let you leave." Most of the kids exchanged glances. Noah, another eighth grader she knew, asked "So, we don't get to see our parents?" Every kid nodded as if they were wondering the exact same thing. The teacher sighed, "I'm sorry, but no." A Few of the kids started crying. Carter and Ethan exchanged glances "Uhh, let's just go get something to eat..." He said trying to take their minds off the horrible thoughts.

     Once Carter and Ethan sat down, Ethan quickly shoved all the food in his mouth. Carter stared at him in disgust "Ew your so gross." She joked and made a face. They shared a laugh. Carter had bought a ham sandwich, an apple, milk, and a bag of potato chips. She grabbed the sandwich and started eating politely. Ethan smiled at her "You eat like a girl." Carter swallowed and rolled her hazel colored eyes. She and Ethan had been best friends sense they were in 3rd grade. Ethan had also been crushing on Carter sense 3rd grade, he was hoping they would be more than friends, but now that the sickness was going around, he didn't think he would have much luck.

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