No Going Back

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Carter was frozen in fear. She couldn't move! What was happening? Ethan pulled her back until they hit the wall, and could no longer go any further. The crazy man walked closer to Ethan and Carter. Ethan was whispering something, but Carter couldn't make out the words. She was petrified and was focused on the crazy man that limped closer and closer, his eyes were dead, they were pitch white. Pulling his hands off of Carter's mouth Ethan stood in front of her trying to block the man from attacking Carter. Just as the crazy man was in front of Ethan, a crowbar appeared from behind the man and it hit him in the head. As he fell, a girl appeared behind him. She raised the crowbar and brought it down with a crack to the man's head. The psycho laid limp. Not a single part of him moved. He was dead. The girl's blue eyes met with Carter's and she grabbed her hand pulling Ethan along also, and out the back doors they went.

It was pitch black outside. Not a sound came from anywhere. No owls hooting, no car engines, not a single breeze. Everything seemed, well, dead. The strange girl pulled out a flashlight and started to run, pulling Carter and Ethan along with her. The girl pulled them into the forest. "What are you doing?" He whispered. "Saving your lives!" The girl replied sharply at him. Carter stayed silent, she was trying to process everything.

Bushes scraped at her knees, shadows danced along the trees, small leaves crunched softly under her feet. Finally, they came to a hault. The girl looked at them, she was panting, so was Ethan. "What happened back there?" Ethan asked with anger in his voice. "Stalkers." She replied calmly. Carter finally realized what was going on "Who are you?" She rasped. The girl smiled at her. "My name is Emily. What's your guises name?" Emily glanced at Ethan and Carter. "Ethan, and that's Carter." He pointed towards Carter. Carter nodded a greeting towards Emily, and Emily did the same. "So what are stalkers?" Ethan asked. "Those things that eat other people. There are different kinds, those were stalkers." Carter looked puzzled as well as Ethan. "Stalkers?" He echoed questionably glancing at Carter as if saying "I think she's crazy ."

"That thing that was walking toward you? He was stalking you. The stalkers stare at their prey with those dead eyes of theirs. I made the names up for each one of the infected." Ethan stayed silent, trying to process the thought. "W-what do you mean infected? And what other ones are there?" Carter asked eagerly. "Infected, when the original person who was infected bit someone else, that person got the virus, then that person went insane, and bit someone else, they cycle goes on and on eveywhere." Carter decided Emily knew what was going on, and realized she and Ethan needed her. Ethan stared at her with a skeptical look on his face. "How do you know this stuff?" Ethan seemed to have second thoughts. Emily smirked "I've seen it happen. I watched one of the tickers attack a person." Emily replied. "A ti-" Ethan was interrupted by a ticking sound coming from behind Carter and Ethan, and Emily grabbed their hands again. "We will talk later, there is no going back now!" And with that, they were pulled away into the dark, dense, forest.

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