What Now?

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Night had fallen, and the full moon shown beautifully through the cracks in the boards, blocking the window. Carter looked at all the stars. How could something holding such beauty, turn into something so horrifying? Many questions filled her mind. What if the crazy people broke in? What if her parents were infected? Or even eaten alive by the psychos? However, there were also positive thoughts. Her parents were tough, they probably got away, right? In fact, they were probably looking for her now! Carter's thoughts were interrupted by Ethan's voice "Hey Carter, it's getting late, we should go find a place to sleep." Turning around, her hazel eyes met his blue and she sighed "Right, yeah, let's find a place to sleep." They walked side by side to the gymnasium, where cots were set up for the kids to sleep on. Ethan picked one near the center of the gym, and Carter laid on the one beside him. "Ethan?" She said in a soft voice. "Yes Carter?" He asked in a whisper.

"Do you think we're safe?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Okay, good." She finally said closing her eyes.

Ethan watched her as she closed her beautiful eyes. If only, oh, if only, he could tell her how he really felt about her. Ever sense he first laid eyes on her, he has been in love with her. One part of him wanted to tell her so bad, but another part of him was screaming not to. She was gorgeous, her long, brown hair, her alluring hazel eyes, which were usually green as the frosty grass during the cold seasons, and her admirable, melodic voice.

Ethan remember the day they first met, she was swinging on the swings, all by herself. The wind made her hair sway with the trees, her greenish eyes fixed on the sky. She seemed to be intrigued with the sight of the puffy white clouds as they moved with the wind, forming all shapes and sizes. He walked over and sat on the swing next to her. "I'm Ethan." He smiled at her. Her gaze went from the clouds to his brown eyes. "I'm Carter." She smiled back and they shook hands.

Carter fell asleep quickly, for she was terribly tired, and wanted to forget the whole day ever existed. She dreamt of a small cabin in the wild prairie, next to a creek, who's water drifted slowly down the crease. It was a hot day with the smell of wild flowers, and fresh honey. Oh what a peaceful dream it was indeed. Suddenly a scream came from somewhere, and the entire scene of the lovely day faded away into nothingness. Carter woke up with a jolt, seeing a room, of panicked kids. The crazy people had gotten in, and were attacking everyone. Ethan grabbed Carter's hand and pulled her away "We need to get out of here!" He shouted over the screams of girls and boys. Carter was shocked, her vision got blurry and she soon realized she was crying. One of the crazy people looked up at her and Ethan and started to limp over to them, their mouth cover in blood with half their insides showing. A scream escaped Carter's mouth and a Ethan quickly cover her mouth pulling her further back.

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