Kill or be Killed

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As the hours went by, the small group continued walking, barely taking any breaks. "Emily, where are we even going?" Carter asked tiredly. She had not slept in two days and was exhausted. "Yeah, where are you taking us?" Ethan asked. Emily didn't turn around, she kept walking and answered a few seconds later "Somewhere," she said, not saying another word. Ethan and Carter exchanged glances then Ethan stopped, pulling Carter to a halt with him. "So we have been following you this entire time and you don't even know where we're going?" Ethan questioned angrily. Emily stopped in her tracks and finally turned toward him "Ethan, I may not know where we are going but lets face it, you need me. You don't know how this world works now, do you? It's kill or be killed, it's about survival of the fittest! This isn't the world your used to, your living in a horror movie now, and there is no escape!" Emily taunted sharply.

Carter recoiled in offense. "Emily, your the one going to get us killed! We could be heading straight for a death trap, and you wouldn't know! This is dangerous and you know it!" Carter yelled. Making a fist, Emily walked towards Carter until they were face to face. "Your a moron if you choose to leave my side, I know more about this plague than you and your little boyfriend here," she nodded her head toward Ethan then looked back at Carter "So, what will it be? Leave and be killed, or stay and survive?" Emily whispered poorly. Carter narrowed her eyes and stepped back angrily, her blood boiling with rage as she crossed her arms in defeat. "Good choice," Emily said with a smirk, then turning around, just to walk away once again.

The hot, boiling, orange, sun shown brightly in the darkening sky. The sunset was gorgeous, so bright and elegant, it reminded Carter of the picture in a book her mother used to always read to her before bed. What was it called again? She couldn't remember, but she knew the scenery looked familiar. Carter started to feel a little homesick, she missed her parents, and her friends. What about this girl Emily? Doesn't she miss her parents and possibly some of her siblings? Little did Carter know, Emily was broken on the inside.

Sweat dripped down Ethan's head and neck, his clothes looked soaked, but his eyes remained forward. "Sweat much?" Carter asked sarcastically. Ethan looked at her, a smile starting to form on his face "Not enough," he replied with a hint of happiness in his voice. Carter hated serious situations, and was always determined to make everything not-so-serious. Ethan on the other hand, was known to always lighten the mood, even in the worst situations. Whenever Ethan was around, it was almost impossible to be sad or angry. He wasn't an angry guy, usually it took a lot to fire him up, but he was very competitive too. He did track, football, and baseball,  but aside from his competitive side, he was a really nice guy.

       With a sigh, Carter walked on tiredly, she couldn't keep her eyes open and was slowly being dehydrated with every step she took. Hunger welled up inside her like a ballon, she was starving, she hadn't had a proper meal in a day. Ethan always knew when something was up, no one knew how, but he did. Sensing Carter's struggle, he stopped and said "Hey, Emily, Carter isn't looking to good," he glanced back at Carter, who held her head down as she walked, slowly catching up to Ethan. Emily turned around and unzipped her backpack, taking out a water bottle and throwing it to Ethan. She walked back over and helped Ethan sit Carter down against a tree. Ethan held the water out for Carter to take, but Carter was terribly tired and her eyes started to close, she had not slept in three days and the hot sun mixed with a cool breeze didn't help keep her awake. Ethan put the water to her lips and she quickly started to gulp down the water until it was half gone, then she opened her eyes a took a deep breath. "Anything to eat in that backpack of yours Emily?" He asked taking the bottle away from Carter. "What do I look like? An all you can eat buffet?" Emily asked shaking her head. "Look, I've got food, but we can't eat it now, it's limited you know." Ethan glanced at Carter then back at Emily, nodding in understanding. "Come on Car, you can make it, I know it's exhausting, but we can't rest now," he paused "There may be a cabin up here,  we can sleep there, but it's not safe out here in the forest." Reaching his hand out, Carter opened her eyes weakly and nodded taking his hand to be helped up. Just then, a noise came from a bush to the right of them, a groaning noise, everyone froze.

       All the sudden a stalker appeared and launched at Carter. Carter jumped up in surprise and ran behind Ethan. The stalker grabbed on to Emily's foot, pulling her down. She fell and kicked it's head with her other foot. Carter was definitely awake now, and she stared at Emily with horror. Ethan was frozen, his mouth wide open in a silent gasp. "Don't just stand there! Get this thing off!" Emily shouted. Carter snapped out of the trans, and jumped in taking her hammer, and nailing the stalker right in the head. One last moan escaped the monster's mouth before it laid limp. A shriek, followed by a tick, came from behind them. Emily stood up and together they all ran.

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