Chapter 1: The Pevensie's

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Maybe I was so used to the sirens that they didn't even bother me anymore, and maybe that's why I didn't wake when they went off that night either.

All I remember is Mum bursting into my room yelling incoherent things I couldn't quite make out in my head because of the blaring sirens and frantic screaming outside my walls.

The only thing I hear is, "Elle...!" Mum shouts at me as she shoves my clothes into a suitcase.

I don't know how I change myself and put on shoes, but I manage to do it in my sleep like state. Mum thrusts the suitcase at me and pushes me out the door, "Go now!"

My body reacts quicker than my mind and I am sprinting out the back door and into our bunker we had made a few weeks ago. When I look back, Mum is rushing out the door right on my tail.

"Get in, lock the door," she says handing me a basket of food supplies even though we already have enough in here to keep us healthy for a whole year.

"But Mum, where are you going?" I ask her beginning to follow her back out into the smoking madness.

"I left your Father's wedding ring inside," she says pushing me off her, "Stay here," she talks quickly. When I try to follow her again, she grips my shoulders so hard I wonder if I'll have a bruise of her fingers there later. "Listen to me Elle, you're thirteen now. You aren't a child anymore. You have to be a big girl now and obey me," she shouts at me and takes her locket off her neck and shoves it into my palms.

"I'll be back, I promise, now stay here," she says and leaves to rush back into the house. I close and lock the door like she says but look out the small bullet proof window that's in the door to watch her.

It is in this moment that I realize what authors are writing about when they say catastrophic events happen in slow motion.

All I know is one moment Mum is sprinting into the house to retrieve the one bit of token of love Father left for her, and then the next the house is exploding with Mum still inside in pursuit of Father's ring.

My mind is a lot like when I was awaken from my foggy deep slumber, which was unclear. The following events of Mum's death is exactly that.

The only major details I remember is a lady telling me that the children were getting moved out of the city and to the countryside where the bombers have not attacked. Aunt Jenna said she did not have time for me at the moment because she could not handle the loss of her sister. Here I am thirteen and now a foster child and she can not comprehend the situation better than me.

I was told that Finchley was no longer safe. I don't know why they decided to move us out now instead of before. Like before Mum exploded or Dad left to die in the war but it's just not the case.

Here's the case: I'm on a train filled with children going away from their parents, more specifically I'm crowded in one car with four siblings and two brothers, and am being shipped away to mourn Mum all alone and away from my relatives and friends.

The one thing I hate about the train is that while other children get to wave goodbye to their mothers I do not. Seeing that they have someone waiting for them to return back to them makes me jealous and mad that my mum had to get taken. She promised she'd be back and she wasn't.

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