Chapter 4: Disappearing Acts

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Mr. Tumnus is gone. We've been looking all around his house for him but there is no sign of him anywhere. There are broken plates, cups, furniture all over the place. It looks as if Mr. Tumnus had been trying to run from someone or maybe something.

I hold Lucy close to me as she lets out a worried sob.

"Who would do something like this?" Lucy asks looking up at me.

"I don't know," I frown upset too. I hope he is alright.

Peter sees something nailed to a wooden post and rips it off to read aloud to all of us:

"The faun Tumnus is hereby charged with high treason against her imperial Majesty Jadis, Queen of Narnia for comforting her enemies and fraternizing with humans.

Signed Maugrim, captain of the Secret Police, Long live the Queen."

I snap my eyes to Lucy, "How did-"

"I don't know," she sniffles.

Susan takes the parchment from Peter and examines it herself, "Alright now we really should go back."

"But what about Mr. Tumnus?!" Lucy exclaims defiant.

"If he was arrested for just being with a human," Susan explains, "I don't think there's much we can do."

"You guys still don't understand, do you?" I ask looking at them a little angry now.

"She's right," Lucy admits, "we're the humans. She must've found out he helped us..."

"Maybe we should call the police," Peter suggests.

"These are the police," Susan reminds us holding up the letter for emphasis. I reach and examine the letter myself and make note of the dog like paw print at the bottom of the page.

"Don't worry Lu, we'll think of something," Peter assures his little sister.

"Why?" Edmund asks grumpily. When we all turn to look at him he back tracks, "I mean, he's a criminal."

"Like what?" I ask shocked. Just then outside the door a robin suddenly flaps down onto a branch and we hear a "Psst!"

The Pevenise's all look at each other wide eyed, except for Lucy and me because we're used to Narnia's ways now, and Susan is the one who comments on it.

"Did that bird just 'psst' us?" She asks shocked more than anyone. All of that logic and reason in her head just got a good shake.

We all step outside and as we look around us there's a rustle from the nearby bushes. We prepare ourselves for a giant creature that could hurt us just like it did with Mr. Tumnus by clinging to one another, but instead of an evil creature a beaver hops out innocently. All of us let out a steady breath.

"It's...its a beaver," Lucy states.

The beaver approaches us slowly and unsure if we are a threat to it.

Peter bends down and approaches the beaver with his hand out like he's holding something and clicks his tongue, "Here, boy," he says clicking his tongue again ,"come here..." He continues and keeps clicking with his hand stretched out to the beaver.

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