Chapter 5: Separate Paths

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I had no choice. I had to come after Edmund and look after him for Peter. I may have no part in this prophecy, but I have to make sure that Edmund makes through his own because clearly he needs my help.

As I walk through a seemingly never ending garden of statues, I stare in amazement at all the different types of statues. There are animals, half-man half-horse creatures, and even people like Mr. Tumnus. I catch up to Edmund as he finishes drawing glasses and a moustache on a stone lion.

"What are you doing?!" Edmund demands from me when he sees me, "How dare you follow me!"

"How dare I?" I ask glaring, "How dare you! I couldn't just let you run off to be killed. Your brother and sisters are worried to death about you!"

"Her Majesty won't kill me," Edmund smirks, "She's going to make me her king."

"Are you insane? Were you not in the Beavers' house long enough to hear them talking about how she wants you all killed?" I ask him in disbelief, "How can you side with someone who is trying to kill your family?"

Edmund stops a moment, "She wouldn't kill them. All she said was she was going to-"

All of a sudden as we both step over another statue we find out it's not a statue. Instead it is a living wolf and it lunges onto both of us.

"Stand still strangers!" It speaks.

I let out a squeak and his massive paw presses harder onto me, "No noises either!" He growls.

"I'm a Son of Adam, I met the Queen in the woods!" Edmund defends us. The wolf looks him dead in the eyes to see if he's lying or plotting but must believe him because he gets off of us.

"My apologies, fortunate favourite of the queen," he snarls, "or perhaps...not so fortunate."

He leads us forward and into a throne room. "Wait here," the wolf orders and leaves us alone.

The room is humongous and contains a giant ice chandelier with a magnificent ice throne. Other than those objects the room is entirely empty and cold. I hug my coat tighter around myself and notice Edmund is not wearing his.

"Where's your coat Edmund?" I ask him.

He shrugs, "Didn't bring it."

I sigh, "Here," I say shaking out of mine and passing it over to him. I promised myself that I would protect him for Peter and his sisters. Well this is me protecting Edmund at all costs.

He takes it and mumbles a quiet thank you. He climbs up the crystal steps and sits on the throne looking around the room with a longing look.

"King Edmund," I curtsy with a giggle.

He's about to say something else but we both jump at the presence of the witch. She is prettier than I imagined.

She has white blonde hair pulled back with a shining crystal crown on her head. Her skin is more white and pale than the snow with her eyes blue and cold like the crystals this entire castle is made out of.

"Like it?" She asks him and when she sees me she eyes me carefully.

Edmund jumps up startled, "Ye-yes," he stutters then adds, "your majesty."

"I thought you might," she says taking her rightful seat on the throne. "Who is this you have brought with you? Your sister perhaps?"

Edmund is about to speak but I interrupt him, "I am Eleanor McEvoy and I am of no blood relation to Edmund and am simply a servant to him," I lie.

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