Chapter 8: The Sun is Rising

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I wake up to Eleanor shaking me and instantly feel fear pulse through my body afraid something happened to Susan and Lucy.

"Huh, what is it what's wrong? Is Susan and Lucy okay?" I mutter.

"Everyone is...okay," she assures me.

"Then what do you want?" I complain heavy eyed.

"Shush, I don't want to wake Edmund," she hisses at me, "We need to talk. Follow me," and with that she disappears out the tent.

I sigh but get up. I do grab my sword though just in case.

I exit the tent and it takes me a moment to find Eleanor, and when I do she is heading towards the same hill Aslan brought us on yesterday.

She sits carefully in the grass. Legs stretched out before her and head looking out towards the rising sun.

"You woke me up to watch the sunrise?" I ask irritated.

She laughs, "You're cranky when you're tired."

"That's because I like to have my sleep," I argue.

"Sit down," she tells me and pats the ground next to her. I sigh but sit anyway.

"Now what?" I ask.

"Shh," she says, "and listen," she orders and closes her eyes. I stare at her astounded at this and start to get up.

"If you have nothing to say, then I am-"

"Sit back down Peter I didn't even start," she snaps irritated now.

Good, I think, now she can be as angry as me.

"What Eleanor? Did you bring me all the way out here to tell me that you want nothing to do with whatever supposed prophecy Aslan told us about? And how you seem to rather be with Edmund than me?" I ask her harshly.

She flashes her eyes open and looks at me nose scrunched and eyes narrowed, "You listen here Peter Pevensie and you listen good because I will not repeat myself. I like you, okay? I was just scared to admit it to myself and even more terrified of admitting it to you. I like you more than I've liked anyone in my lifetime. I'm only thirteen so I can't say I love you because who really knows what love is at this age or any really, but I think I could. I do know that I care about you a lot though Peter I really do. I was just afraid to say it because anyone I've ever cared about died and left me to be alone," she says and I notice she's crying now.

I'm not sure what to say right now because I'm still trying to soak in all she just said, but aren't sure of exactly what to say. I don't want to say the wrong thing but I want to tell her I feel the same but I don't know how to put it in words. Before I can get a word out though, she starts talking again.

"As for the whole Edmund thing, I was only by his side the whole time because I was afraid no one else would be. You have no idea the kind of torture and pain we both went through with the White Witch and he is the only one who will ever understand just what I'm feeling about that. I wish you could but I'm happy you don't because that means you would have had to have been suffering there with us, and I don't want to see you suffer Peter," she finishes.

If only she would shut up for a moment, so I could grapple the right words to express my feelings just as good as she did. She's making this very hard for me to say what's on my mind and I can hardly get a word in with her talking non stop.

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