Chapter 6: Turn of Events

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When we finally arrive at the falls, we only come to find that it has completely and totally melted. I hope Peter and the rest of the Pevensie's and the Beavers didn't have much trouble crossing. If I'm right, they should've crossed the river with no trouble.

One thing I notice aside from the river is that it is no longer cold and the fact that I don't have a coat didn't have a use here anyway. I can't help my small smile as I feel the gentle warm rays of the sun heat my face. I close my eyes a moment to bask in the sun and listen to the roaring of the rushing river.

My short moment of tranquility is ruined though when that stupid dwarf starts talking.

"It's so warm out," he exclaims beginning to take off his own heavy winter coat, but one icy cold look from the White Witch stops him, "I'll go check the sleigh."

Edmund and I share a look and I can tell he has to keep back the same laugh I'm trying to hold in too. It has to be the sun and warmth that is causing us to feel this way. When we were in that freezing palace, it didn't feel quite right to smile in such a place. As weird as it sounds, it seemed inappropriate.

"Servant girl go help," the White Witch orders me and I look at Edmund who just nods.

I suppress a scoff and go help the stupid dwarf, "Need help with anything?" I ask him.

Just then a howl signals Maugrium returning to us only it's not just him and his pack wit them. In one of his wolves's mouth it holds a small red orange fox.

"Oh!" I cry putting a hand to my mouth and rushing over to the poor animal. "Wait Maurgium," I beg the cruel wolf, "Let me just speak with him a moment."

"Sorry I do not take requests from servant girls," Maugrium replies with a smile and continues on to the White Witch.

I carefully watch the fox and his mischievous eyes connect with mine a moment and some sort of recognition seems to click in his mind. I can only stare back at him in confusion though.

"We found the traitor," Maugrium tells the White Witch as the fox is carried and dropped right at the Witch's feet, "He was gathering troops near the Sharwood forest."

I follow the fox and stand close to Edmund so I can see the fox fully. I don't want them to hurt this poor animal when he was nothing but good. I'm sure of it.

"Ah, nice of you to drop by," the Witch tries to joke but no one laughs, "I understand you were so helpful to my wolves last night."

"Forgive me your majesty," the fox apologizes. How could he actually apologize to her?

"Oh don't waste my time with flattery," she rolls her eyes even though I guarantee she actually loves it.

"Not to seem rude," the fox says, "but I wasn't actually talking to you," he finishes and looks pointedly at Edmund.

"Did you help King Peter then?" I blurt out to him. The fox looks over at me and carefully nods. "Oh please tell me are they-"

"Enough ignorant servant!" The White Witch interrupts me and swings at me with her hard wand and connects to my back.

I gasp and crumble to the ground. I'm almost positive I can feel a sticky substance beginning to seep down my back and into my clothes. "Eleanor!" Edmund exclaims wide eyed as he bends down to help me, "Oh god, g-go wait by the-"

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