Chapter 12: The Coronation

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Cair Paravel is absolutely beautiful. The castle is large and tall with beautiful stain glassed windows.  The castle is a gorgeous piece of architecture standing on top of a large cliff, which is the only support keeping the castle from completely falling into the ocean.

I watch from above the Pevensie's coronation. They are all crowned as the rightful Kings and Queens of Narnia. Lucy earns the title of Queen Lucy the Valiant. Her crown is perfectly lovely with its woven silver vines and leaves representing her valiancy. Edmund is next and I'm almost positive I shed a tear for him. He's grown so much from when I first met him. He is given the title King Edmund the Just. His crown is silver as well and is jeweled just enough to where it does not look over done for someone like Edmund. Susan is the third and receives the title of Queen Susan the Gentle. Her crown is a radiant golden yellow that reminds me of the shining amber of Asaln's mane. It looks even more brighter on her head because of her dark hair. She looks more beautiful than ever.

Lastly is Peter and I'm happy I could give him the only thing I ever wanted to, which was his family and life. I couldn't bear it if he were the one watching his siblings being crowned while he remained out of the festivities. I don't mind. I will get to watch the Pevensies reign and will always know of what it was like having a family.

I gaze on as Peter is crowned King Peter the Magnificent. His large golden crown fits him perfectly and I actually laugh at the sight because the crown perfectly fits his ego now. I start to cry of happiness at seeing their faces looking so radiant and happy for the first time in a while as they sit into their tall white marble thrones.

As I look amongst the crowd, I even find the fox I saw turned to stone by the Witch as well as Oreius well alive and taken care of. At least they-

Suddenly I wake up on a bed I don't recognize and in a room I've never seen before. "Impossible," I breathe out sitting up and looking around.

That wasn't a vision was it? I...I have to be dead. This is what heaven is supposed to look like, right? Beautiful marble floors with glorious soft cloud like beds? I get onto my feet and feel a bit of pain in the back of my head and a pinch in my side and stomach.

I let out a sharp hiss at the abrupt needle sticking pain but rush to open the door. Right as I do Mr. Tumnus is standing there and I crash right into his tray of food.

"Mr. Tumnus?" I ask shocked and confused about what's happening.

"Eleanor McEvoy," he smiles and I still look at him confused and unsure if this is really real.

"Is it really you?" I ask moving to poke his arm and when I do it's solid and warm.

"In the flesh," he answers.

I slap the rest out of his hands and hug him tightly, "Mr. Tumnus you're alright!" I exclaim then ask, "I'm alright? I thought I had been long dead before Lucy could heal me with her little liquid concoction."

" was too late Miss Eleanor McEvoy," he tells me gravely and I put a hand to my mouth, "but Aslan...he did something to you that brought you back. You screamed for just a second and then went unconscious."

"Are you joking with me Mr. Tumnus?" I ask him and he shakes his head, "How long have I been gone?"

"Only two nights," he assures me.

That isn't too bad I suppose, "Did I miss the coronation?"

"How did you know of the-"

"Oh yes I forgot to tell you I have these visions now to where I can see future events before they happen," I tell him as if it's not big deal or anything..

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