Chapter 13: Happy Endings

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"Aslan!" I call running down the beach towards the wise lion. He stops and looks back at me and waits. "You can't just leave," I frown when I reach him breathless. It was a far run.

"You should not be running Eleanor. You were dead no longer than twelve hours ago," he replies sounding almost sad.

"You can't leave Aslan," I repeat sadly as I hug him, "I need you here. We all do."

"You and the Pevensies will take good care of Narnia in my absence. Just as you did when I died," he replies.

"We need you here Aslan, where else will you go?" I ask pulling away and looking at him. I'm sitting on my knees in the wet sand and I feel bad for the dress that will be ruined, but I'm sure whatever stain it gains it can be washed out.

Aslan chuckles, "Do not worry about me Eleanor McEvoy. We'll see each other again. Just not in this century."

"What do you mean? When will I see you again?"

"In time dear Eleanor," he replies and places his heavy paw on my knee in a comforting way, "You will be a great Queen of Narnia."

"Aslan what happens if-"

"You stay here in Narnia?"

"Yes. Some of my other family and friends are back in...outside Narnia. What will happen if I never see them again?"

"You will see them soon. I promise you that," Aslan assures me.

"I don't know how to thank you," I tell him as we both stand again.

"What would you thank me for?" he asks with a kind smile.

"You saved my life, literally," I laugh, "you pretty much gave me a family. If I'm lucky, you'll even give me a husband in the future."

"Peter told you his true feelings, that's good," Aslan nods.

"He made me nervous if I'm honest," I reply.

"You will be okay Eleanor McEvoy," Aslan says and we both start walking away from each other, but he adds one more thing, "Narnia won't be the same when you come back, but you have to put aside all differences and come together."

"What do you mean?" I ask turning around but he's gone.

I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion but continue walking back to the castle. I drape the bottom of my dress over my arm so the water of the sea can slide over my bare feet. I look up at the castle as the sun sets behind me. It's even more beautiful from down here than it looked up above.


I peer closely at a balcony and see arms waving wildly at me. Its all of the Pevensies waving at me. I wave back.

"Hurry up!" They all shout.

"The view is much better from down here!" I scream back up and before I know it they disappear. I frown, but moments later they all come rushing out of the doors and at me.

Peter reaches me first and picks me up, running us towards the water. "Peter!" I squeal, "Put me down my-"

I'm cut off because he throws us both back into the sea. When I come up for air, all of the Pevensies are laughing. I smile to myself and mentally tuck this memory away so I'll always have it. I don't know what will happen in the future or what Aslan was talking about, but I don't want to worry about it right now. All I want to do in this moment is enjoy it. We'll never be this way again when we're older and wiser.

I watch all of the Pevensies laughing and they all call me back to the shore so we can make a sand castle. The idea seems so ludicrous and normal compared to what we've experienced these past couple of days, but I couldn't be happier to be included with the Pevensies.

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