Chapter 11: For Narnia

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I didn't know Peter was going to give a speech. He actually didn't do as bad as I thought he might've. I was proud of him and he sounded like a true king. Not at the beginning of course, but his ending of the speech sounded much better. We will work on his speaking skills later.

Anyway, the army marches forward in our triangle formation, we wind up on the battle field only a short distance from our camp. I look to my left but don't recognize who is marching beside me. When I turn my eyes to the right, the creature is the same as Mr. Tumnus is, or was. I still hadn't told Lucy of Mr. Tummus's current state and I'm hoping she'll never find out. A small pinch clenches my chest at the memory of seeing Mr. Tumnus made of the cold shiny stone the Witch transformed him into.

As I begin to wonder about what Lucy and Susan are doing, I almost crash into the soldier in front of me from our abrupt stop.

"What's going on?" I ask the faun next to me in a ridiculously low voice I can manage. I don't want him knowing I'm a woman. If Peter thinks that because I'm a woman and shouldn't fight, I'm sure these men would agree. Luckily he doesn't seem to notice.

"Now we wait," he replies sounding confident but I can hear the shake in his voice.

I look ahead and see Orieus standing with Peter, who is on his white uni-horned horse, unicorns I believe they are called. I carefully turn my head back to look up at the cliffs far behind us. Edmund and Mr. Beaver is up there somewhere. It was also where Lucy and Susan were supposed to remain too but I'm hoping they won't come at all.

We only have to stand for a good half hour until a large bird crossed with a lion creature swoops gracefully in a circle around our whole army and down to speak with Orieus and Peter. I'm not sure what exactly is said but all I hear around me is voices talking of how much bigger the Witch's army is along with weapons better than ours. I'm shorter than all the hundred of people in front of me, so I can't see but then the cheetahs closest to me start to growl and tense up. My guess is the Witch's army is approaching and battle is only moments away.

Peter unsheathes his sword then, holds it up, and points it in the direction of the Witch's army. I'm assuming because, again, I can't see amongst the tall creatures and men. The faun who is next to me pats my shoulder, "Good luck out there lad. You seem young, how old are you?"

"Um, not as young as you think," I reply still using my deep voice.

"Stay with some of the bigger more experienced fighters," he advises me, "if a larger soldier tries to attack you, run until you can find help."

"I'm much better than you believe," I tell him.

"It doesn't matter. Do not go for anyone bigger than you. You'll have a huge disadvantage," he replies.

Just then several of our large bird friends are carrying good two ton rocks above our heads ready to drop them over the Witch's army. Once they fly over us, all of us cheer for our allies. The rocks fall from their claws once they fly directly over the Witch's army and must kill a fair amount of their soldiers. I keep my eyes to the sky and watch as arrows are shot up and other creatures belonging to the Witch fly up. The war in the sky has begun. As the birds head back towards our army, I can just barely see Peter look over at Oreius. Peter then yells, "FOR NARNIA AND FOR ASLAN!" He shouts and charges us forward.

Oh god. I wasn't ready. I don't move right away and feel like I might be rooted to this one spot but the several men behind me shove me forward so my feet are forced to run onward. My heart starts racing and my heart is thumping like a dictionary being shaken up in a box.

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