Chapter 2: The Wardrobe

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"I believe Peter's specific words were 'Tomorrow's going to be great. Really'," I say to the ceiling and Lucy giggles next to me.

So far the day has been boring and it's raining. It has been raining all day. The only bright side is that I'm finally getting along with the Pevensie's. It's almost as if over night everything changed and we are all meeting for the first time.

"I've got an idea for a game," Susan perks up, "How about we have a little spelling contest?"

"How would we possibly do that?" Lucy asks sitting up now.

"By using that dictionary," she explains standing and grabbing the dictionary from the shelf and sitting into the chair, "Who wants to start?"

Several boring minutes later...

"Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar," Susan drones.

Since this "game" has started I've moved to the couch and Peter sits on the floor a little ways away from me while Lucy stares at the rain covered window that isn't seeming to stop and Edmund is messing around by looking under the beds and couches.

"Come on, Peter Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar," Susan encourages her brother.

"Is it Latin?" Peter asks begrudgingly.

I laugh at this and he looks at me with a smile and looks back at Susan.

"Yes," she clues.

"Is it Latin for worst game ever invented?" Edmund jokes laughing and I can't help my joining in as does Lucy I even notice Peter smile a bit.

"We could play hide-and-seek," Lucy supplies with a bright smile and gets down from the window sill.

"But we're already having so much fun," Peter says sarcastically with a look towards Susan who glares at her siblings poking fun at her "game".

"C'mon Peter please!" Lucy begs tugging on her brother's arm, "Pretty please?"

Peter smiles, "One...two...three...four.."

"What?" Edmund groans but gets up to hide.

Susan rolls her eyes but rushes out of the room with the rest of us.

"Come with me Eleanor I know the best hiding places!" Lucy exclaims tugging on my arm and runs me through the house. I make note of Susan's hiding spot by hiding in the wooden bench that has a spacey compartment inside it.

"We can hide here!" Lucy cheers and starts to pull us behind a closet curtain, but Edmund must see its a good spot and takes it right before Lucy can.

"I was here first!" He claims and Lucy gives him a nasty look before tugging us further up the stairs. I can hear Peter counting in the background and I look at Lucy panicked as I hear him get closer and closer to a hundred.

"Where will we hide now?" I ask her as she begins pulling on older locked doors down a long hallway.

She finally finds one unlocked and as soon as she opens it we both pause. Inside is a tall object being hidden by a clean white sheet. The only living thing in the room is a fly buzzing by the window. I look at Lucy, "What...?"

"Only one way to find out," she replies mesmerized by the curious unidentified object. Carefully she grabs the white sheet and pulls it clean off the object and like a grand revealing a tall dark wooden wardrobe stands.

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