Chapter 9: Aslan's Sacrifice

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"Come on we have to hurry!" Lucy exclaims and takes off running down the hill with Susan and Peter following close behind.

I'm ready to run after them too but I see Edmund's face and I can see the fear in his eyes.

"Do you have the same feeling I do?" I ask him.

He only nods and I take his hand. He looks down at our hands and back up at me, "I need your support more than you might need mine. I'm terrified Edmund. I don't want to see her face again."

"Don't worry Peter will keep you safe," Edmund assures me.

"Then I will keep you safe," I tell him with a squeeze and we start walking but he drags himself a little, "Come on then Edmund, I promise I won't let her do anything to you anymore."

He nods and we walk back towards the camp. We find our way to the girls and Peter at the front. I be sure to keep a tight hold of Edmund's hand as soon as we reach the front.

Peter puts his lips down to my ear, "Is everything alright?" He whispers.

I nod, "We'll be okay." He puts a protective arm around me for good measure and I'm happy he does. "Will you be alright if I let go Edmund?" I ask him even though I'm wishing he will say no but he nods.

"I will be fine. I need to look like a King of Narnia just like my sisters and Peter," he tells me.

I feel a surge of guilt and Peter squeezes my shoulder, "I do not look weak holding you here with me. I look stronger and more protective of the ones I care for," Peter assures me.

I smile at his words for just a moment, but my body tightens and grows rigid when I see the herd of the Witch's army approach. I hold my breath when I see her white blonde hair and abnormally pale white face. Peter feels my stiffness and rubs my arm gently with his hand.

"It's okay Eleanor," he tells me.

"Jadis Queen of Narnia! Empress of the Lone Island!" That stupid dwarf announces on behalf of his evil queen. I'm surprised she's let him live.

A few one eyed creatures carry her throne all the way across camp. Our own army is jeering and shouting as she passes them. I feel her sharp eyes scanning the crowd and once she spies Edmund his own breathing stops, "Breathe Edmund, you need to breathe," I tell him under my own short breaths.

When the one eyed creatures put down her throne onto the grass, she climbs off and that's when I see Aslan has been watching her the whole time. She walks straight towards Aslan with a revenge seeking look.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan," she sneers and everyone around us gasps. I feel Edmund flinch next to me.

Aslan remains calm even when he speaks, "His offense was not against you."

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" She asks as if Aslan is the naive one here.

He does not like her words one bit though because he lets out a short angry roar, "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written."

"Then you will remember well that every traitor belongs to me," she cites, "His blood is my property."

Peter moves away from me then and unsheathes his sword, "Try and take him then," he challenges her stepping up and pointing his sword at her.

I Fell in Love with a King of Narnia (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now