Chapter 10: Sounds of War

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After a long moment of silence, Lucy suddenly springs up with an idea. She begins to unscrew her potion but Susan shakes her head, "It's too late. He's gone," she frowns gently caressing his face. He looks different without his mane.

"I'm sure he knew what he was doing. We have to go," Susan says standing. I stand with her but Lucy refuses to move.

"We can't just leave him here," Lucy cries.

"Lucy there's not time. We have to tell the others," Susan says sounding like she doesn't want to leave either.

"I'll go," I offer, "I'll go back. I know the way," I assure them pulling my hand away from Aslan's paw, "You two please be sure that none of her soldiers comes back. I can't be worried that you are in danger."

"We'll be fine Elle, promise," Susan assures me with a fierce nod.

"Good," I say and disappear into the forest. The moment I'm far away enough they can't hear my sobs I let one out and allow myself to cry for just a moment. I won't let them see me break anymore. I can't. I have to be strong.

The walk back to camp is long and lonely but I finally reach the boys' tent with a little nightfall still left. I walk in and my foot kicks a rock. The moment it crashes into a metal shield Peter springs up with his sword unsheathed and Edmund is sitting next up looking pale with fright.

"Eleanor?" Peter asks looking at me hesitantly.

"Something...something horrible has happened," I begin and launch into the whole story. When I finish, Peter looks completely shocked. Even Edmund looks to doubt me. For confirmation of this they both rush to Aslan's tent to see if he is there.

We run into Orieus along the way and tell him of Aslan's sacrifice. I find it better not to go into details on why because I don't need everyone mad at Edmund again.

When Aslan does not turn up magically in his tent, Peter comes out face grave, "It is true, he's gone," he says looking at all of us standing around Aslan's strategy table.

"Then you'll have to lead us," Edmund states looking at him with a look of assurance, "There's a whole army out there waiting to follow you."

"I can't," Peter shakes his head and I see all the possibilities and doubt running through his mind.

I grab his hand, "Peter I promise you, you can do this. You are their leader now. Aslan may be gone but the hope that Narnia can be saved from the Witch is not. You can lead them into victory Peter. Aslan believed that. I do."

"And so do I," Edmund joins in.

Peter looks at both of us with a little shock but he looks thankful. Orieus, on behalf of all of the army, asks, "What are your orders?"

Peter looks at me one last time and smiles almost. He then looks down at the map, "You see the battle field..."

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"I don't care what you say Peter I'm going out there to fight with you," I argue with him.

The army is almost ready to march out onto the battlefield and when I told Peter that I was going to ride along side him to fight he has refused.

"No you won't. I can't be worried about you and my entire army at the same time," he argues as he puts on his own armor.

"Peter you know that isn't fair. I'm just as good of a fighter as Edmund," I defend myself, "Better even."

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