Epilogue: Years Later

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A large white stag races through the woods running from the riders of the five horses right on its tail.

Eleanor is beating everyone in the chase including her husband, Peter. We see Edmund falls behind from his family with his horse Philip and they stop.

"You alright Philip?" Edmund asks his voice older and deeper from how much he has aged.

"Not as young as I once was," the horse replies panting.

The white stag is long gone and forgotten once the others turn back around to get their brother.

Susan is first to reach him and with an annoyed glance she says, "Come on then Ed."

"Just catching my breath," Edmund replies resting his hands on Philip's neck.

"Why don't we all catch our breaths then?" Susan replies sarcastically.

"What did he say, Susan?" Lucy asks trotting up next to her sister.

"You girls stay at the castle, I'll go get the stag myself," Susan answers in an attempt of impersonating Edmund from earlier in the day.

Peter and Eleanor both finally join the others. They are both laughing and Peter leans over to give his wife a kiss on her cheek.

"Was she asleep before we left?" he asks Eleanor thinking of their year old daughter Hadley.

"She was asleep the moment I set her down to rest," Eleanor assures him.

"We shouldn't keep her waiting lo-" he stops mid sentence, a flickering flame has caught his eyes.

"What is this?" Peter asks dismounting his horse. The rest follow his suit and walk up the the lamp post, not recognizing or remembering the object.

"It seems like a dream..." Susan trails off all of them puzzled and searching in their brains for what the lamp post meant or stood for.

"Or a dream of a dream..." Lucy says then something in her mind clicks and her eyes widen in remembrance.

Then Eleanor's eyes widen as well and in unison they both exclaim, "Spare Oom!"

They both rush off in the direction where they all first entered Narnia.

"Not again," Peter mutters as he, Edmund, and Susan chase after the two girls. "Always making me chase you, huh Eleanor?" he calls after her.

She doesn't reply for her focus is solely on getting to the one thing her mind remembers the most. The coats.

"Come on!" Lucy tells her siblings as she and Eleanor lead them through the rough sharp tree branches and eventually reach something entirely different.

"These aren't branches..." Peter realizes when the soft fur coat brushes against his face and hands.

"They're coats," Susan observes.

The Kings and Queens of Narnia shove throughout the tiny space and are all shouting incoherent things as they try to push forward to get out of the small space.

The wardrobe door flies open suddenly and all five children come spilling out of the wardrobe looking the same as they did before entering the wardrobe.

Young and normal.

They all look at each other confused but before anyone can say a word, the door to the room opens and the Professor walks in with the ball that went flying through the window so long ago, or what felt so long ago. The same ball that made them rush to hide inside the wardrobe in the first place.

"Oh, there you are," the Professor says looking at all of the children, "Now, what were you all doing in the wardrobe?"

They all look at each other still confused and unsure of exactly what happened, but Peter speaks up on behalf of all of them, "You wouldn't believe us if we told you sir."

The Professor throws the ball to Peter and replies with a magnificent twinkle in his eye, "Try me."

Later that night the young Queen of Narnia, Lucy, approaches the wardrobe with a sense of excitement and want. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath wishing for Narnia to be waiting for her at the end of the wardrobe, but just as she is about to open it the Professor speaks up from the dark window in the room, "I don't think you'll get back in that way...you see I've already tried."

Lucy jumps at the sound of his voice startled but asks with a yearning tone, "Will we ever go back?"

"I expect so, probably when you least expect it," the Professor tells her, "What's to say, keep your eyes open."

They both walk out the room leaving it completely empty. However, the wardrobe door opens just a crack on its own and a shining bright light and smoke creeps out of the wardrobe and a loud lion like roar is heard.

As if Eleanor heard the roar, she quickly sits up in her bed panic and fear piercing through her body.

She rushes to Peter's room horrified and eyes filled with tears.

"Peter-!" she cries and immediately he is alert and brings her into his arms.

"What's wrong Eleanor?" he asks her worried.

"Hadley," is all she manages to say through her sobs and Peter immediately understands his own face falling and they both begin to cry for their child that was left in Narnia. All of this is happening because she, Eleanor, fell in love with a King of Narnia.

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Yay! OMG finally your author finishes a story!! I absolutely loved writing this fan fiction and hope all of you who have read it loved reading it just as much as I loved writing it! I'm so excited to start the sequel to this! Everything will start coming together in the next book! I can't wait for all of you to read it and I'm so pumped for how I'm going to be writing it. A certain someone will appear in the next book and I hope you all enjoy the spin I put on this book series.

thank you so so much,
the Author

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