Chapter 7: Her Prophecy

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"I'm sorry?" I ask not sure if I heard him correctly, "Me? A queen? That isn't possibly correct. I thought those spots were reserved for Susan and Lucy."

"They are," Aslan says calmly like he did not just bomb us with this news, "but when the White Witch is vanquished and Peter is crowned as the High King, it is predicted, that you, Eleanor, will become his wife and shall marry; therefore, making you the High Queen."

"I'm sorry?" I repeat still unable to fully comprehend this information, "I just-I feel as if I can't quite understand this. I am only thirteen years old. I cannot marry at such an age!" I exclaim becoming angry again, "I will decide who I will want to marry not some silly prophecy."

"I would have thought you had seen it by now Eleanor but-"

"I never said I didn't see it but I simply thought it was a dream," I interrupt Aslan.

"Wait, you dreamed about me and you before?" Peter asks speaking for the first time since Aslan has told us this news.

I feel my face turn a shade of red, "Well it was the same night you said you were having nightmares outside of Narnia. You asked me what I had dreamed about but I was too embarrassed to tell you. That night I had dreamed of us much older than we are now, I will add, and we were married. I saw our wedding, Lucy and Susan shared the role of Maid of Honour and Edmund was your Best Man. Aslan was there to wed us. Mr. Tumnus was our ring bearer and the Beavers were our "flower girls"...." I trail off rethinking of it all. No wonder why my dream seemed to be so vivid and real. "It was a beautiful wedding honestly," I tell making eye contact with Peter, "I didn't think much of it. I thought it was more embarrassing and weird rather than romantic and a possible future. I was confused and unsure of how I should feel about it."

No one says anything and I look out towards the horizon again, "Well, I think I will go and find Susan and Lucy," I say and take my leave before either of them can protest.

"Susan, Lucy!" I call for them.

It's only until I'm halfway down the hill I see the two sisters, "Hey!" I call waving them down. Lucy stops right away and waits for me but it takes Susan a couple of steps further to stop as well. Once I catch up to them, I ask, "Where are we headed?"

"Lucy and I were going to the river," Susan replies a little snappy.

"Susan," I sigh stopping us again so I can do this right and properly, "I owe you an apology. I am truly sorry Susan. I had been hysterical at the thought of Edmund still having to endure that torture while I reside here, and I know that isn't an excuse for my acting out but I do hope you can find a way to forgive me?"

Her only response is when she rushes at me and I prepare myself for a slap but instead I receive a hug, "Of course I forgive you Elle, I just felt horrible that we didn't save you two sooner. I suppose I'm just as angry about Edmund not being here with us either, but I know that we will bring him back soon."

"I hope so," I frown as we pull away and continue to walk towards the river.

"Yay!" Lucy cheers, "Everyone is nice and happy again!"

Susan and I both laugh and we reach the river. It's calm and peaceful, not like the one from before. It's when we are standing close to the edge of the river I accidentally slip a foot into the water allowing the bottom of this amazing dress to get completely ruined.

"Gosh darn it!" I shout pulling up the skirt and sigh, "That's fantastic. A perfect dress like this ruined. You know this is probably the fanciest dress I've ever worn," I tell Lucy and Susan.

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