"ashton still doesn't have a dad haha"

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the "5sos may have won, but ashton still doesn't have a dad #WorthItVMA" tweet is just nasty. do harmonizers realize how triggering that it? not just to ashton, but to people who have read it.

also, "ashton should cut again blah blah blah" is so stupid.

things they don't realize when they say these things:

1. ashton is not the only one without a dad

2. other people in their fandom may not have a dad too

3. they might trigger someone

4. suicide jokes are NOT funny in any way

and they keep on wondering why people hate their fandom.

it's just kinda sad that they take their anger out by telling fans to kill themselves for celebrating the award that their favorite band won. i mean, that's so mean.

so remember, if you don't want to get triggered, don't go on twitter until the VMA viewers have died down ok?

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