rolling stone magazine

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tons of people have done rants about this topic but here i am expressing my opinion on the whole "we fuk multiple gurls in one nite" and "hey gurl letz make a secks tape bc im starting to fade away frum da media lolzor"

let me copy paste the article for more basis


"A lot of fake people, which sucks," Clifford says. Hemmings complains, "It's just, like, Viners and Internet personalities, those kind of people. Fucking pisses me off! Why are you here?"

sorry luke last time i checked u were discovered through the internet and you are a fuckin internet personality. get lost will u

Band stuff:

"Seventy-five percent of our lives is proving we're a real band," says Irwin. "We're getting good at it now. We don't want to just be, like, for girls. We want to be for everyone. That's the great mission that we have. I'm already seeing a few male fans start to pop up, and that's cool. If the Beatles and the Rolling Stones and all those guys can do it, we can do it, too." 

well u must be wasting seventy percent of ur lives tryin to prove to people what you're not, soz ashton! like, if you don't like girls liking your band, you might as well have no fans!! i'd punch him in the face if i saw ashton in person. he has to deal with the fact that we're what he has and he shouldn't be so ungrateful for girls liking his band. it's not our fault that we like your music :/

Da secks:

Hemmings says they took full advantage of the attention. They were wildest on their early tours, when they'd go to bars to mingle with fans after shows. "When you put four young dudes on a tour bus, playing theaters, then arenas, you're going to have sex with a lot of girls, I guess," says Hemmings. "We had a good time." Multiple girls in one night? "I feel like I shouldn't say," he says with a smirk. "You could say the possibility of that is high." Multiple girls at the same time? "The possibility is high," he says again. He cracks a devilish grin. "The possibilities are endless."

fuck you luke i wonder why people still like you

i wanna kick you in your dick so hard that you can't reproduce anymore

Snapchat dick thing:

Plus, the video earned the band a lot of publicity. "Now, I'm just working on the sex tape," Hood says. "I'll call Pamela up, like, 'Hey, it's been a while. We really need to hype this band up!'"

that's like saying you got famous bc of your leaked snapchat. it's sad really

basically this concludes that 5sos is more concerned with their image and popularity more than the more inportant things like being good role models and making people feel good about themselves

they are doing the complete opposite rn

1. what parent would want their child to follow 4 grown men partying, drinking, sleeping around, and is unable to complete a sentence without swearing? seriously, check the interview, the evidence is there

2. they make the fans feel bad about themselves bc (in my opinion) they don't think that having girl fans are "cool" and that they think all girls wanna suck their dick

and like, what's with the cover?? why does calum look white¿¿ WhaT.

this whole thing was a mess gbye

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