i'd like to think im original

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wow ok so simce im rlly bored rn let's do a fun game!!

i'll call it "what are you up to?" game bc apaparently (< if u get that joke then awesome) i am soOo original

please participate and comment your answers to the ten questions down below!!

where are you right now?

im in a bedroom yay!!

what can you see when you put down your phone/ laptop/ computer/ tablet?

a cup of soda and number shaped biscuits yum

what can you hear right now?

the wooshing of the fan and a gr9 song

look to your left, what do you see?

a cabinet

look to your right, what do you see?

...a cabinet

if you weren't doing what you were doing right now, what would you be doing?

doing homework sigh

first word that comes in your mind?

settle idk??

what's the lighting in your room/ location?

pretty dark, but the sunlight is peeking through the curtains

hot/ cold/ warm in your location?

warm !!

what's your mood?

im happy bc the biscuits are pretty great and the soda is just yum

wow i just indirectly did some imagery there

anyway, pls participate bc i dont wanna look like a noob thx

those are my questions for the day too!!

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