26. Lies

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I'm so glad that everything was able to settle down and I'm able to enjoy my birthday month.

It's after school and Jamal, Simone, and I are walking to the corner store to buy something to eat since we don't have practice and didn't want to go home early.

My phone vibrated and most likely I knew it was Paul texting me back.

Paul: Shanice can I ask you something.

What the hell, something told me whatever he had to ask had to be serious cause he doesn't normally approach a question like that.

"Ooo Shanice you're in trouble" Jamal said after looking at my phone.

"No I'm not I can't recall me doing anything that would upset him, whatever happened last week is over with" I replied.

"Then text him back and see what it is." Simons said.

Shanice: go ahead

Paul: why do you judge smoking weed if you never tried it before?

Shanice: it's not that I'm judging it I just know it's not good for you considering you have heart problems and stuff

Paul: hmm ok. I think you should try it though and if you don't like it you can judge all you want.

I looked at the message slightly confused, was he trying to tell me that cause he fucked up and smoked or... I wonder.

Shanice: Paul do you have something to tell me? Did you fuck up and smoke?

Paul: naw I'm just saying

Shanice: but that just came out of no where.

Paul: yea it just popped up in my head.

I shook my head I somewhat didn't believe him, something was telling me he's hiding something.

Paul: you should think about it though

Shanice: think about trying it?

Paul: yea, and let me know what you think of it.

Shanice: for one I'm not going to try it and two, if I were to try it I'm pretty sure it would be with you.

Paul: lol just try it

Shanice: I'll think about it.


I walked in the house with Jhanae behind me, my mind was heavy on Paul and smoking.

I've been stressing about him smoking ever since he made up that bet, I've complained and questioned him like crazy about this smoking weed thing. I don't think there would be a week where I didn't ask him bout his smoking status, I was on his ass about this.

I don't have any proof other than my gut feeling that he's lying so I'm just going to leave it alone, he has never lied to me before anyway so I'll believe him.

"So now we can talk" Jhanae came into the kitchen while I was looking for something to eat.

"About?" I asked

"What you been hiding from me lately"

"I told you the other day, Jason and I fucked months ago, and you know about Paul and I did too so what else is there to tell"

"Everything, details, who was better, bigger, etc."

I busted out laughing at how ecstatic she was.

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