My chapter names are so long they could a Fall Out Boy song Title

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Me and Austin spent the day messing about. After we got food from some where I don't know where cause I stopped paying attention because I was too busy staring at his ass. What there's not a lot to do when you're over someone's shoulder. Well afterwards we went to the park so mature I know.

I had a lot of fun with Austin. He was walking me home. "So um Austin I enjoyed hanging out, so is this like a one time thing or are we proper friends now?" I asked nervously. "We are friends now, and before you ask that includes in school it's stupid to be friends outside of school but not in school" He replied grinning.

We were nearly at my house I was dreading being greeted by the she-beast known as my mother. She's homophobic I'm glad she didn't kick me out, most of the time she ignores me but I'll be in trouble for skipping school. Who cares I've got to live a little.

I felt Austin tap my shoulder "you okay there princess, you zoned out a bit." he asked. "yeah I'm good I was just thinking about the she-beast known as my mother, she'll be pissed I skipped"
"oh Jesus is she that bad, actually scrap that she must be to be called a she-beast. How is she so bad?" He asked shocked that I'd call my parent of birth a she-beast. "she's a homophobic, she ignores me I could drop dead in front of her and she wouldn't bat an eyelid, she's rude she likes to call me emo fag boy and she's a whole. I don't really care I spend most of my time with Aaron and Jaime, I go home every once in a while to get clean clothes and make sure she hasn't killed herself."

I watched Austin turn around and walk back the way we came. "what are you doing Austin?" I questioned. "well I'm pretty sure you don't want to go home, so we'll go back to mine and we can meet up with my friends sound good, good because you don't have a choice" he said grinning like a mad man. "fine but if we're going back I refuse to walk I want a piggyback okay" I said
"as you wish princess"

Austlan CashbyWhere stories live. Discover now