imma keep writing

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Whelp this is extremely awkward I'm locked in a room with the guy I like. These people I call friends are utter twats, I know exactly who set this up.

"whale this is awkward" I said voicing part of my thoughts I really hope I didn't speak my thoughts.

"um Alan you have been voicing your thoughts" Austin said grinning.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks I knew I was blushing, and knowing my luck I was probably bright red. Austin started walking towards me when he took one step forward I took two steps back. He was directly in front of me and of course there's a wall against me.

"Do I make you nervous Ashby" Austin asked his smirk getting bigger.

"No Austin you don't make me nervous" I stuttered oh great my stutter has made an appearance.

"It's okay Ashby I think your stutter is really cute." Austin said softly.

Apparently I keep voicing my thoughts. I really hope I didn't say that I have a massive crush on him. God I feel like a teenage girl who is madly in love with a boy.

"Aw cute you're comparing yourself to a teenage girl but ew girls I don't swing that way. I happen to like you too Alan" And with that he pressed his lips to mine.

His lips are so soft if I didn't have to breathe I would kiss him forever. I pulled back and watched a huge grin spread across his face. His face lit up like a kid on Christmas day it was adorable.
"So you like me" Alan stuttered blushing.
"Did that kiss not convince you? Do I need to prove to you that I actually like you" I asked grinning.

He nodded his head slightly and that was all it took for me to smash my lips onto his. I wrapped my arms around him, I felt his arms snake around my neck. I ran my tongue across his lips but he refused entry, so I grabbed his ass causing him to gasp. I took that opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth. I pulled away to breathe. I looked at Alan who was heavily breathing. I kissed him again and I felt him start grinding against me. I pulled away and pulled his shirt off, he started tugging at the end of my shirt signalling that he wanted it off.

Le skip the sexy times.
That was so good. God Alan is so adorable. He is sleep lying on my chest every once in a while he'll nuzzle his nose into my chest it's so cute. I heard a key in the door, the door opened and Aaron Mike Jack and Alex walked in.

" It's been quiet for a while so we thought we ought to check on you." Aaron said grinning.

"Well as you can clearly see Alan is asleep. Thanks guys for setting this up. I really like Alan but I probably wouldn't of ever had the courage to ask him out" I said smiling.

"Aw you guys are gonna be so cute together but hurt the princess and I'll cut your dick off" Alex said.

Austlan CashbyWhere stories live. Discover now