Chapter 19

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I was keeping a close eye on Alan because I knew something was bothering him, but I never expected him to say that. I couldn't believe what he said to that waitress it was absolutely hilarious who knew he had that in him. Absolutely everyone looked shocked after they had calmed down accept Alan and Oli those two were stood there almost wetting themselves with laughter it was a beautiful sight. Josh walked over his cheeks are bright red which set everyone off laughing again including me. Oli just hugged Josh and let him berry his face into his neck.

"who knew that Ashby could be spontaneous and say something like that?" Phil questioned after everyone had calmed down again. "I certainly had no idea he could do something like that but it was freaking hilarious" I said pulling Alan in for a hug. I got hit by a shoe, Alan gave me a what the fuck look I just shrugged and turned. "Pack it in love birds some of us want to bowl" Aaron said smirking. I glanced around and saw the other couples that were being cute had shoes thrown at them also, of course Aaron was the one who threw the shoes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~le time skip |-/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After two games of bowling and seeing way too much Kellic making out ew my eyes everyone was pretty hyped up but we all decided it would be a good idea for us all to sleep at own homes instead of Aaron's. I was going to ask Alan if he wanted to stay at my house but he beat me to it. "um Austin could you possibly spend the night at mine please? You don't have to worry about my mum she's either fucking someone or getting pissed" He said more bitterly when talking about his mum, I didn't know much about his home life but of course I would be there for my boyfriend. "sure just lemme text my dad and let him know" I replied softly. He nodded in reply.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~le time skip |-/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


We got to outside my house I just walked up to the door and put my key in the lock I opened the door and lead Austin inside "make yourself at home" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear, he smiled at me and walked into the living room. "um Alan someone in here wants to talk to you" Austin told me from the other room. I was confused my mum is normally drinking or being a prostitute so it probably wasn't her. I walked into the room and was surprised to see my mum sat on the sofa sober and looking like a normal human being. "Alan son can I talk to you in the kitchen please?" my mum asked in a sickly sweet voice. "no anything you have to say to me can be said in front of Austin, after all he is my boyfriend." I replied bluntly. "y-y-you're gay" she stuttered out. "yeah I am I don't think there's any problem with that after all it's the 21st century. Do you have a problem with that" I shot back with attitude. "Of course not I'm just a bit shocked I just want my son to be happy especially after the shit I've put you through. I want to be a good mother I know actions speak louder than words" She said sounding confident. I was shocked by what she said I couldn't believe that she wanted to change I'd always secretly hoped she would change her ways. " I forgive you but you have a lot to prove to me" I said before hugging her. There's one thing left to do I guess "mum this is my boyfriend Austin, Austin this is my mun" I said sounding more confident than I thought I would. "nice to meet you Austin, I trust you'll take care of my little boy" she said pulling Austin into a hug "of course I'll look after him" Austin replied grinning.

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