Shopping With Logan

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"Alright come on Bub, we have to go shopping for your baby clothes."

He picked you up and carried you out to the shopping outpost near the mansion.  He carried you since he didn't feel like pushing a stroller around.


"Mmhm Bub."

He knowledge you when you spoke your little gibber jabber to him. Honestly, he loved spending alone time with you, he had patience with you, unlike the other students he learned to deal with.

"Baba!" You giggled and held onto his larger hand, smiling and glowing a faint pink, making Logan smile a bit.

He carried you around and shopped a little bit, buying you some PJ's and some little stuffed animals. Soon the sun was setting and you where yawning, which meant it was time to go home.

Logan carefully carried the bags and a sleeping you back to the mansion. All the students giggled and took pictures of the scary Logan, holding the adorable (Y/N) in his big arms. He didn't care, he would just up the danger in the Danger Room.

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