Scott Summers and (Y/N)

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Fanfictionlover_5678 gave me this brilliant idea so thank her! <3

"Scott, I'm going on a mission for a little bit, and Storm will be busy... So can ya do me a favour and watch (Y/N)? Your the most capable out of everyone I know." Logan told Scott, aka Cyclops. Besides the whole "Eye beams death Rays" behind his crimson glasses, Scott was the most capable out of all the others to watch his beloved (Y/N).

"Of course Logan. She's a good baby, we shouldn't have any trouble at all." He smiled, taking you into his arms.


You screamed and reached for Logan.

"It's okay Bub, daddy is coming back next week. Uncle Scott is gonna watch ya for daddy."

He kissed your temple and patted your cheek.

"Daddy loves his little Bub."


You cooed and snuggled into Scott because you were already tired. Gently he cradled you as Logan took this as a chance to escape without you knowing and crying about it. For about an hour you stayed asleep and Scott just watched TV, until you woke up and mommy or daddy weren't there to picked you up.


You screamed and kicked angrily. Scott tried his best to calm you down but couldn't, as you kicked his shades off forcing him to close his eyes. Thank god Charles came in and picked you up, and have Scott his shades back.

"I'll watch her for now Scott... She seems to be a bit restless."

"Uh yeah..."

X-Men X Baby!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now