Snuggles With Storm!

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Tonight it was raining out, and Logan was out looking for some mutant. Storm had you all wrapped up in blankets, and rocked you back and forth in the rocking chair in your room. The rain gently pattered on the window and walls, and wind blew loudly, but you felt warm and safe from all that.

"Oh my sweet little (Y/N), you are so precious to me..." Storm cooed as she rubbed your little head softly. You giggled and slowly reached a little hand up to her face.

"Baa buuuub?"
"Daddy? Daddy is outside... Somewhere..." Storm explained. You began to radiate a white. Calm. Storm felt the white and became calm like you, smiling happily.

"Oh how I love you."

X-Men X Baby!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now