The Brotherhood... (Part 1)

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(You might have to watch X-Men Evolution to get this one)

Today, Kurt was in charge of watching you. He sat you on his bed in his room and started to go over some math homework as you played with your baby toys. It was nice and peaceful until a certain Toad had to burst through the glass window.

"Yo what up, elf boy! I'll be needing dat image inducer!" He spatted trying to take Kurt's image inducer watch. Kurt teleported back to you and grabbed you, making you giggle. Toad stopped when he saw you.

"Now who do we have here..."

"Do not even think about touching (Y/N)!" Kurt growled.

Toad smirked and wrapped his tongue around you, making you cry out for Kurt as soon as you left his arms.

"Now dis baby will be so much more appealing to my baby cakes!" Toad smirked as he hopped out the window with a crying you in his nasty tongue.

Kurt growled and ran off to get the other X-Men. No one is taking mama's baby!


"Yo baby cakes! Guess what I got now!"

"What is it Toad?" Wanda sighed, rolling her eyes.

"I gots a baby!"

He held up an very annoyed you. You looked like grumpy cat. Even your little arms were folded. Wanda gasped and grabbed you away from Toad.

"Toad what the hell?! You stole a freakin' baby! What the hell were you thinking?!" She screamed.

Toad backed up.

"B-But baby cakes!! Aren't guys with babies more sexy and appealing?!"

"No they are creepy and called Pedophiles!"

Wanda held you up away from the mutant toad and scarfed in disgust. Just then Pietro zoomed in.

"Woah sis didn't realise you and froggie over here did "it". Congrats bro!" He smirked, knowing he was annoying Wanda.

"Pietro I swear-"

"Hey- woah." Lance walked in from fixing his car. "Who the hell was pregnant?"

"No one!"

"Well sis, technically speaking, a baby has to be born from a woman. Therefore, someone, was indeed, pregnant with this said baby." Pietro explained.

Wanda growled.

"Pietro I swear I will-"

"Hey guys we are out of those little pizza- woah a baby? What the heck?" Blob walked in.

All the people made you start to cry, and scream. Really loud.

Wanda sighed.
Lance rolled his eyes.
Pietro only laughed.
Toad cringed.
Blob ate his box of cereal that was in hand when he walked into the room.

You only screamed louder, causing Pietro to curse.

"Wanda please shut the damn kid up!"

Wanda flung him across the room, which made you laugh. Wanda smirked and started bashing Pietro again and again into the wall.


"Can't hear you~"

(To be continued)

**So what do you think will happen next?**

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