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"Come on (Y/N)!" Kitty scooped you up and kissed your little forehead. "We are going out to eat! Kurt, and me, and Scott, and Jean! To that fast food place! For French Fry Friday!" She cheered.

You giggled and bounced up and down. Scott drove everyone to the place, carefully of course. (Logan would have killed him if he hurt his little Bub)

Kitty unbuckled you from the baby seat and carried you inside. "Okay so we need to order... Umm... One, two, three, four, five! Five orders of fries, Scott. You can pay for them too!"

Kurt laughed at Scott's face and sat down at a booth. Kitty followed and seated you on Kurt's lap. "She likes you better."

Scott came back with the fries and some drinks. "Here you go."

You squealed happily and started to eat all the fries. Like a true mutant, you kinda made a huge mess.

Scott had to clean it up.

X-Men X Baby!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now