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Today, you found out a new mutation of yours. Floating. You could float before you could walk. And even more crazy, you could control it with skill. You saw all the other kids leave for public school, and you being you, wanted to follow them! So why not float?!! So as Kitty walked out, you gently floated behind her, staying quiet.

The whole school day you followed Kitty around to everyone of her classes, and so far, no one really saw or heard you. You were a good sneaky baby!

Finally after 6 period, Kitty noticed you.

"What the?! (Y/N)?! You can float!? Never mind that! We need to get you home! I don't want people thinking I'm some teen mom..."

She grabbed you and quickly fled back home before anyone saw her.

"Don't don't that again!"

"Kitty... Why aren't you at school?"

Charles rolled in and picked you up casually.

"Well you see, (Y/N) somehow can float and then she followed me to school and I had to bring her back!" Kitty pointed at you, you were just giggling and kicked your little legs around in Charles' arms."

"Well thank you Kitty, we will have to keep better watch over our little (Y/N) shouldn't we?" He asked while bouncing you on his leg, smiling down at your adorable little chubby face. You giggled and chewed on your hand.

"Yeah... She might be harder to catch then Kurt..."

X-Men X Baby!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now